We're All Gonna Die podcast discusses Net Neutrality

Photo via Patrick Breitenbach/Flickr Illustration by Max Fleishman (CC-BY) Remix by Jason Reed

‘We’re All Gonna Die,’ ep. 26: The internet is dead

Is the internet as we know it gone forever?


Andrew Wyrich


Anyone else think this week has felt like a month?

The We’re All Gonna Die crew thought so also, but fresh off a week’s hiatus, we’re back to chat about the most-wild internet politics news that happened this week (and of course, there was a lot to unpack).

The Daily Dot politics crew talks about Project Veritas’ failed sting of the Washington Post and subsequent videos that made the Post look like really good journalists along with President Donald Trump retweeting several anti-Muslim propaganda videos. And when discussing the Federal Communications Commission’s (FCC) attempt to kill net neutrality as we know it, we have an internet eulogy.

To top it all off, we say goodbye to our fearless leader Andrew Couts, who is moving on to a new gig. (sad face emoji).

Told you it was a lot to unpack.

Here’s this week’s podcast but be sure to listen to our previous episodes.

Subscribe to We’re All Gonna Die on iTunes.

The Daily Dot