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‘SNL’ enoys best ratings in 22 years, thanks to Trump

Baldwin’s impressions have ushered in a new golden age for the American standby.


John-Michael Bond


President Donald Trump has brought stress to American institutions, from the National Parks Service to NASA. But there is one that’s stronger than ever thanks to our new leader: Saturday Night Live.

While the president has called the show “unwatchable,” viewership is up, giving the show its best ratings in 22 years, according to the Huffington Post. A source at NBC told Huffington Post that season 42’s ratings haven’t been matched since the 1994-1995 season. Total viewership is reportedly up 22 percent from this time last year. According to TV Line, the difference is 10.6 million this year versus 8.7 million last year.

The series has found renewed cultural relevance in the Trump era thanks to Alec Baldwin’s portrayal of Trump, Melissa McCarthy’s incendiary takedown of Sean Spicer, and Kate McKinnon’s brutal Kellyanne Conway. Even Steve Bannon has shown up, only represented by the Angel of Death instead of a standard actor.

Of course, that could change. Rosie O’Donnell has made it clear she’s willing to take up the role of Bannon, should SNL want her.

Viewers will have to wait and see if that happens, but if recent trends are any indication, they’re probably already tuning in.

H/T Huffington Post

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