Jeff Sessions Forrest Gump SNL cold open Kate McKinnon

Screengrab via Saturday Night Live/YouTube

‘SNL’ mocks Jeff Sessions with Kate McKinnon playing him as Forrest Gump

Well, they’re both from Alabama.


Josh Katzowitz


Attorney General Jeff Sessions is a former U.S. senator from Alabama. Forrest Gump was born and bred in the Yellowhammer State. So, somehow, it made sense for Kate McKinnon to play Sessions as Gump in Saturday Night Live’s cold open.

The show proceeds to make fun of Trump’s strange reel-you-in handshake and the way Kellyanne Conway sits on an Oval Office couch (and how that compares to Lt. Dan).

Plus, there’s the obvious “Life is like a box of chocolates” gag, but SNL pulls a nice turn with Sessions, who doesn’t have the most progressive record when it comes to civil rights, saying, “I always say life is like a box of chocolates. Sure are a whole lot of browns ones in there.”

And, of course, the topic of Sessions’s possible perjury during his Senate confirmation hearings is broached.

The Daily Dot