seth meyers donald trump jr

Screengrab via Late Night with Seth Meyers/YouTube

Seth Meyers attacks all of Trump Jr.’s Russian meeting explanations

He’s not buying it.


Michelle Jaworski


Seth Meyers spent most of a super-sized “A Closer Look” segment chronicling just how much Donald Trump Jr.’s story of his meeting with a Russian lawyer has changed—and his many excuses for it.

After making fun of Donald Trump’s latest social gaffes, which included an extra-long handshake with French President Emmanuel Macron and his firetruck photo op, Meyers set his sights on Trump Jr., arguing that while the White House may have dreaded the fallout from Trump Jr.’s emails, people have been waiting for them “like the new season of Game of Thrones.”

The story has changed several times over several days and escalated to the point where he’s been invited him to testify in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee. Trump, however, said over the weekend that “That’s politics!”

Meyers, however, thinks that couldn’t be further from the truth.

“Just because something is political doesn’t mean it’s just politics,” Meyers argued. “If John Wilkes Booth had shot Lincoln and said, ‘Hey, that’s politics,’ they still would have arrested him.”

The Daily Dot