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Seth Meyers tears Donald Trump’s birther statement to shreds

‘President Obama was born in the United States, period? F**k you, exclamation point!’


Michelle Jaworski


Portions of the media appeared to reach their breaking point with Donald Trump last Friday after he conned them into a press conference to show off his hotel before finally admitting that President Barack Obama was born in the U.S. and spouting a lie that Hillary Clinton was behind the birther movement. Though that didn’t put an end to the five-year birther controversy that resurfaced (precisely because Trump was the one who drove the narrative and then refused to talk about it), fact checkers and cable news are pushing back—and Seth Meyers is offering one of the harshest criticisms yet.

Meyers has been putting together some of the best political content on late-night TV for a while now, but much of it has flown under the radar. However, in his latest “A Closer Look” segment, Meyers’s anger boils over for one of his most impassioned takes in some time. He straight-up tells Trump, “fuck you.” Then he spends some time on New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie’s alleged role in Bridgegate after Christie repeated lies upon being called out by CNN. He offers plenty of evidence—in video clips and Trump tweets—to support the idea that Trump touted the conspiracy that Obama’s birth certificate was fake long after receiving it. He also points out that Trump may have put the birther issue in the spotlight, but the Republican Party has also tolerated it for years.

Simply, it’s Meyers at his best.

“The bottom line is this,” Meyers said, “Trump built his career on a racist lie because he’s a racist and a liar.”

The Daily Dot