Salma Hayek Trevor Noah

Screengrab via Comedy Central

Salma Hayek spills the beans on the time Trump asked her on a date

Hayek told ‘The Daily Show’ that Trump tried to pressure her into cheating.


Kris Seavers


In a completely unsurprising reveal, Salma Hayek told Trevor Noah on The Daily Show Wednesday that President Donald Trump not only asked her a date, but he tried to pressure her into cheating on her then-boyfriend.

Hayek told Noah that the first time she met Trump at an event, he gave her his jacket because she looked cold. He then sweet-talked her and her boyfriend.

“[He was] so charming, so nice, super nice … he kept talking to my boyfriend, and then he befriended my boyfriend, invited him to dinner … and then he was like, ‘If you guys are in New York, you can come to Atlantic City, you can stay in my hotel. Give me your numbers,’” Hayek told Noah.

Later when Trump called up Hayek, he was only interested in seeing her.

“[Trump] never talked to my boyfriend again,” she said. “Now, he’s calling, he’s inviting me out.”

She reminded Trump of her beau, but he didn’t budge.

“‘He’s not good enough for you,” Hayek said Trump told her. “‘Not important, he’s not big enough for you. You have to go out with me.’”

The anecdote adds more details to an already questionable chain of events wherein Trump supposedly planted tabloid stories in an effort to get Hayek to go out with him. The tabloids reported Trump saying Hayek was “too short” for him, and then Trump called Hayek and tried to get her to go out with him and prove the story wrong.

The actress refused Trump’s offer, of course, and although she didn’t end up with that boyfriend, she eventually married billionaire François-Henri Pinault.

Hayek is promoting her new movie Beatriz at Dinner, which explores political clashes through a divisive dinner conversation. It’s no wonder Hayek’s character in the film wholeheartedly rejects Trumpian values—she’s been rejecting Trump for a long time.

The Daily Dot