piers morgan pie face

Good Morning Britain/YouTube

Piers Morgan just got pied in the face over #PapooseGate tweets

‘It’s for us. And for Daniel Craig.’


Ramon Ramirez


Revenge is a dish best served with a shaving cream pie to the face.

After a series of controversial tweets that were blasted for being sexist, Piers Morgan Wednesday morning was pied on Good Morning Britain by comedian Harry Hill. The veteran comic was plugging his new tour, which is family-friendly and teaches kids classic comedy bits; demoing how to make a pie proved the perfect setup.

“What’s quite nice is to personalize the pie if you’re going to throw it at someone in particular,” Hill told an apparently unsuspecting Morgan. “This pie is for all those men who wear papooses.

“It’s for us. And for Daniel Craig.”

Morgan infuriated folks this week by making fun of Daniel Craig’s baby carrier. Called “papooses,” the James Bond actor’s child-toting rig was optimized for comfort and safety. (He’s married to actress Rachel Weisz.) But Morgan thought an apparent paparazzi photo made Craig look “emasculated.” He doubled down on his position all week, calling it #PapooseGate.

His original tweet wasn’t subtle: “Oh 007… not you as well?!!! #papoose #emasculatedBond.”

On Twitter, the pie moment became an instant trending flashpoint. Even GMA‘s weather presenter loved it.

Judging by the uncomfortable silence and shocked look on the face of the hosts, in addition to tweets made by show staff, the moment seems to be unscripted. GMA co-host Susanna Reid, who was pied by Morgan in the immediate aftermath, laughed it off on Twitter.

Even Wednesday morning, Morgan was clinging to the position that these baby carriers were a societal disruptor that emasculated men. “God gave you arms for a reason Tom – use them & stop being so lazy,” he tweeted at a user.

But the tweetstorm-fueled controversy seems to have ended with Hill getting the last laugh. And at least Morgan admits as much.

“Papoose-Gate reaches its nadir,” he tweeted, an hour after being pied in the face.

The Daily Dot