old fashioned

The Great One X/YouTube

An old whiskey cocktail tutorial video is making people upset

Who here wants a whole glass of straight bourbon?


Tiffany Kelly


There’s a video circulating around Twitter this week of a woman giving a tutorial on making an Old-Fashioned whiskey cocktail. If you’ve seen it, you know exactly which video I’m talking about. If you haven’t, catch up below.

Twitter user @turing_police shared the clip of the old video on Wednesday along with the caption “im losing my fucking mind,” which is a sentiment that appeared to resonate with many other people on the site.


In the video, JaNee Nisonger demonstrates how to make an Old-Fashioned, which she claims “not that many people order” anymore. (The video is several years old, but that line still seems inaccurate.)

She goes on to make an Old-Fashioned in a pint glass with a full cup of ice and phantom bitters. She also instructs viewers to use “3 ounces” of bourbon, but she fills the entire glass with bourbon. The result is… Well, it’s an entire glass of bourbon with crushed up sugary cherries and a whole orange slice. It’s not the typical way to make an Old-Fashioned, but she did get all the correct ingredients in there.

The Old-Fashioned video was part of a series of YouTube cocktail tutorials Nisonger made for Maholo.com. She made videos for margaritas, mint juleps, and other alcoholic beverages—which drew the ire of cocktail purists. Every year or so, someone rediscovers Nisonger’s videos, and they go viral again.

It’s unclear what Nisonger is up to now—she doesn’t have a presence on social media—but if she were to relaunch a series of unconventional how-to cocktail videos on YouTube, she’d certainly have a built-in dedicated audience.


The Daily Dot