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Is Kylie Jenner secretly the singer of this band?

Something fishy is going on.


Samantha Grasso


Fans of Kylie Jenner have apparently found the smoking gun to prove that, yes, the youngest Kardashian-Jenner sibling is secretly fronting a dream pop band named Terror Jr.

Jenner has denied the rumors in a series of Snapchat videos, now documented on a fan Twitter account. But it’s a fishy situation all the same. 

On Nov. 6, YouTuber Tyler Minear tweeted a screenshot from the American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers that showed Jenner registered as a performer for the band on their song, “3 Strikes.”

Revelist confirmed Jenner’s registration on the ASCAP page the following day. According to the site, rumors regarding Jenner’s involvement with the band began circulating in March when she featured the same song in a video promoting her lip gloss.

That same day, Terror Jr launched their Soundcloud, Twitter, and Instagram accounts.

According to a rep for Effess Records—the label of producer Felix Snow—who spoke to Fader, Terror Jr is a project from Snow, David “Campa” Benjamin Singer-Vine, and a singer named “Lisa Terror” who fronts the “dream pop supergroup.” 

Terror Jr’s producers have also worked with electropop singer Kiiara. Kiiara’s summer banger “Gold” sounds very similar to Terror Jr’s recently released EP Bop City, leading to fan speculation that Kiiara is Lisa Terror.

The band has otherwise been deceptive, responding to interview questions from Teen Vogue with only grape emoji, an allusion to their EP. “Lisa,” too, has an extremely limited social media presence, and her face is hidden in the band’s group photo.

Other fans speculated the woman fronting Terror Jr is named Lisa Vitale, as evidenced by a name listed on the ASCAP screenshot. A search of the name reveals a YouTube channel for someone by the name of Lisa V with one video.

Some comments on this video allege the channel previously had other videos uploaded, and that Lisa deleted them and has pursued a career with Terror Jr. Other comments allege that Lisa V died a little over two years ago.

There is a September 2015 Popular TV interview with Lisa Vitale. Otherwise, Vitale has no trace online. Her Facebook, Twitter, and SoundCloud accounts linked to the YouTube account have been deactivated. A YouTube search of her name yields other videos and songs featuring her voice, but they date back anywhere from two to five years. She had a video linked to her public Google Plus account that has since been made private.

The voice of “Lisa” is hard to pin down. The voice of the singer featured on the band’s EP is extremely Auto-Tuned, making it near impossible to determine if it sounds like Jenner, Kiiara, or Lisa V.

Since the original tweet with the ASCAP screenshot, the ASCAP listing for “3 Strikes” by Terror Jr no longer lists Jenner in any extent.

Terror Jr’s secrecy has fueled a meteoric, internet-age rise in fame. Their debut is a public relations roll out; a game plan that connected artists lean on to establish indie cred. Jenner’s “It’s not me, guys :/” defense is fine and good, but she did pipe in their music to her massive social media following—we don’t know why.

Terror Jr did not respond to a request for comment. An Atlantic Records press contact for Kiiara and publicists for Jenner did not respond to requests for comment.

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