trump putin meeting

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An ‘SNL’ writer is replying to Trump’s tweets like they’re texts

‘Sorry just seeing this.’


Christine Friar


The writers of Saturday Night Live may be off for the summer, but they’re finding ways to keep busy.

Take Josh Patten for instance. He’s enjoying his time off by catching up on the wonders of Twitter. Unfortunately, the president’s tweets make that activity much less fun than it used to be. So in an effort to turn things around, he’s started replying to the president’s tirades like they’re personal texts.

“Proud to unveil my new, incredibly stupid project,” he joked.

It’s a simple conceit, but replying to each and every one of these tweets really drives home just how frequently the president is on his phone instead of… doing other things.

When the president tweeted about attending the US Women’s Open, Patten replied, “Sounds neat keep me posted.”

When Trump tweeted about his son Don’s meeting with a Russian lawyer as a reasonable part of “politics,” Patten sniffed around for the dirt.

“Oh for sure. Any good info?”

What’s funny is that tweets like these might actually be one of the best ways to get through to this president, who seems averse to more traditional means of discourse with the public.

And when Patten’s a little late to reply, he’s sure to shoot out the classic, “Sorry just seeing this.”

Patten has declined to comment on his tweets for the time being, but luckily they speak for themselves.

The Daily Dot