HBO hackers leak new Curb Your Enthusiasm episodes

Photo via HBO

HBO hackers leak new ‘Curb Your Enthusiasm’ episodes

After leaking new material from ‘Game of Thrones,’ the HBO hackers have moved onto other shows.


Gavia Baker-Whitelaw


Not content with just spoiling Game of Thrones, the HBO hackers have begun to leak other shows as well.

Several new episodes of Curb Your Enthusiasm were posted online, according to a report in Variety. After two weeks of ransom demands and leaked material from HBO‘s cash cow Game of Thrones, the hackers decided it was time for more proof they mean business.

The ninth season of Curb Your Enthusiasm is due to begin in October. Along with episodes from the cult Larry David sitcom, the hackers also leaked unseen episodes of Insecure, Ballers, and the upcoming James Franco porn drama The Deuce.

The hackers remain anonymous (not to be confused with the hacker collective Anonymous), and while they’ve made plenty of public threats, HBO isn’t backing down. In a statement to Variety, HBO said, “We are not in communication with the hacker and we’re not going to comment every time a new piece of information is released.” The network characterized the leaks as an attempt to garner media attention, adding, “That’s a game we’re not going to participate in.”

H/T Variety

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