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Eve 6/YouTube

Eve 6 claims they were ‘the most important band’ of the ’90s

Y’all remember Eve 6, right?


David Britton


Despite what you might have previously believed, neither Nirvana, nor Rage Against the Machine, nor even Radiohead were the most important band of the 1990s. According to a group of experts, the most important band from that decade was in fact that one band who wrote that one song.

That’s right. It was Eve 6 this whole time. You remember… Eve 6? C’mon man… Eve 6. They had that song about putting your heart in a blender? It was on the radio all the time. Look, here’s the video:

Ah, now you remember. Yes, Eve 6 has officially been named the most important band of the ’90s by none other than Eve 6 themselves, and really, who would know better?

The band posted this startling revelation to Twitter on Monday, Feb. 10, and it has since been confirmed by Eve 6 fans around the globe.

Although some people felt the band wasn’t giving themselves enough credit.

Naturally, there were a few naysayers out there, but what can you do? Haters gonna hate.

Now it’s possible that Eve 6 (who, to be fair, were a pretty decent alt-rock band) posted that tweet to do some good-natured trolling. It might even have something to do with their upcoming tour with second-most-important-band-of-the-nineties Alien Ant Farm.

You remember… Alien Ant Farm? That did that cover of a Michael Jackson song? Oh, Come on man!


The Daily Dot