Everyone knows that some of Kim Kardashian‘s poses are over the top. Now one comedian is taking the voluptuous entertainment socialite and other celebs to task.
Celeste Barber has dedicated her Instagram account to side-by-side photos of stars doing whatever ridiculous pose and her own reenactments. She started it off with the hashtag #celestechallengeaccepted.
She told ABC Australia, “People are so obsessed with celebrities and celebrities seem to be so obsessed with portraying everyday people.” So she used her own humor to poke fun at these celebs.
And while someone might misread Barber’s parodies as mean-spirited, she wants people to know that she’s “pro-woman.” She respects the most famous Kardashian for being an intelligent businesswoman who knows how to use her assets. But that doesn’t mean she’s spared from being the butt of some of Barber’s jokes.
You can check out the rest of her hilarious photos on Instagram.
H/T Uproxx | Photos via Celeste Barber/Instagram