Women are wearing black to the Golden Globes to protest sexual harassment in the industry.

The Beverly Hilton/YouTube

Actresses are wearing black to the Golden Globes to protest sexual harassment

Awards season might feel different this year.


Kris Seavers


After this year, Hollywood awards season might not be as jovial as it once was.

The red carpet might look more solemn, too. Women are planning to wear black at the Golden Globes in January “as a sign of protest against sexual harassment and assault in the entertainment industry,” US Weekly reported Thursday.

In the past months, dozens of Hollywood women have come forward to share stories of harassment and assault from Harvey Weinstein and other major industry figures.

Originally just a small group of women planned to participate in the protest, but as word of the protest spread, at least 30 women decided to make a sartorial statement in black at the award show. US Weekly said the participants include “a slew of A-listers.”

“This movement is spreading rampantly and pretty much all the nominated women and others attending are participating,” a source told Us Weekly.

Stylists are reportedly scrambling to accommodate the requests for black dresses since many had already finalized plans and fitting sessions for their clients.

“I’m envisioning people screaming into iPhones and Brad Goreski weeping at the feet of Rachel Zoe while clutching yards and yards of black organza and jet beading—frantic preparations for a very chic funeral,” wrote Megan Reynolds for Jezebel.

Women have historically turned fashion into a form of protest. Just in the past year, Democratic women wore suffragette white to a President Donald Trump speech in February, and thousands of people wore pussy hats to the Women’s March in January.

H/T Jezebel

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