Internet Culture

There’s nothing better than these rescued beagle pups’ first bounds of freedom

Nothing will melt your heart faster than emancipated beagles romping together for the first time.

Photo of Greg Seals

Greg Seals

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Nothing can pluck at tender heartstrings quite like those Sarah McLachlan ASPCA ads. Unfortunately for viewers, they’re all tease. You’re left blue-balled by forlorn before shots, and your heart is starved for the happy ending of all those tail-wagging afters. So for all the times you’ve shed sad tears for that three-legged dog or one-eyed cat, let these beagles’ bounds of freedom pay you back with some happy ones. 

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The Beagle Freedom Project is devoted to rescuing the breed from being confined in laboratory cages and living the lives of test subjects, giving them a chance for a loving life in a warm home. After these nine pups were rescued from a Nevada area lab, they were transported to the backyard of a Las Vegas area supporter, where they met their much-deserved deliverance. Watch timid tails begin to fervently wag as they embrace the freedom that life in a cage had deprived them of for too long. When grass meets soft paw with these nine hounds—named after infamous rat-packers and strip entertainers—your heart can’t help but grow three sizes. 

H/T Beagle Freedom Project | Photo via Grzegorz Meger/Flickr

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