
Reddit reacts to Casey Anthony’s acquittal

Reddit reacts to Casey Anthony’s acquittal

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Reddit exploded with visual reactions and variations on image memes this afternoon after learning of Casey Anthony’s acquittal on first degree murder charges.

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The most popular reaction depicted a grinning Anthony with the words “everything went better than expected” placed behind her pink scrunchie. Submitted by TTURawlsDEM, the image has drawn 110 votes thus far.

The trollface meme, which is commonly used when message board members go off-topic, made an appearance with Casey’s hair superimposed on the trollface’s head.

Another comic encapsulated much of Reddit users’ frustration with Casey Anthony news saturation. Commenter SBringer pointed out the irony in the flurry of comics being submitted to the site: “…Reddit will continue to annoy us with ragecomics reminding us how much we hate being reminded about her….”


An image of Fry, the anti-hero from the sci-fi cartoon series Futurama, embodied a skeptical reaction by questioning the jury’s lack of reasonable doubt.

User Zotmaster channeled his frustrations by using the “F#ck that guy” meme with the words “That was still going on?,” which sparked a reaction the comments. Commenters accused the submitter of being ignorant to the news but Zotmaster refuted writing he focuses on actual news.

Two pictures created by Reddit users show Anthony as victorious anti-heroine. The first showed Casey in the courtroom with the words “U MAD BRO?”. The second, Casey smoking a cigar with words “Haters Gonna Hate.”

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