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Comedy group imagines a gym where the fitness goals are a little less lofty

It’s place where you can eat bagels in peace!


Nayomi Reghay

Internet Culture

It’s that time of year: Drynuary is in full effect and fitness classes are packed with reformed couch potatoes eager to work off the holiday bulge.

Sure, a “New year, new you” plan sounds great at first. But after a high-intensity class packed with grunting gym rats you might feel a little, erm, out of place.

But what if all our fitness goals were a little less lofty? What if there was a gym for people who want to get moving without getting ripped? What if there were a place where you could check your phone in peace?

That’s the premise of a hilarious new sketch from New York-based sketch comedy group OSFUG.

A gym with average bodies and fresh bagels? Sounds like a delicious, doughy dream come true.

Screengrab via OSFUG/YouTube

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