Internet Culture

5-year-old girl adorably explains why she’s ‘moving on’ from home

You won’t have Saige to kick around anymore.

Photo of Mike Fenn

Mike Fenn

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In one of the most adorably hilarious videos on YouTube, a very vocal and animated 5-year-old girl explains that she has had enough of life in her house and that she is “moving on.”

After young Saige’s older brother Tanner threw dirt at her, Saige decided that she’d had enough. In a rant that only an adolescent girl could make epic, Saige details why she is leaving and describes her future plans once she is out.

“I have been in this house way too long!” she declares.

“How long have you been here?” asked her mother, who thankfully recorded the exchange.

“Like…five years!”

“Well, yeah, because you’re five!”

Parents traditionally love to embarrass their children years later by showing them videos from their childhood. If Saige’s future prom date sees this, he had better be on his best behavior, lest Saige “move on” from him, too.

Photo via greg westfall/Flickr (CC BY 2.0)

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