Kindergartener Carden Corts produced the cutest weather report in history.

Charlie Corts/YouTube

This kindergartener’s class project is the cutest weather report on YouTube

He REALLY loves Pokémon.


Kris Seavers

Internet Culture

A kindergartener from Nashville, Tennessee, might be the cutest weatherman in history.

Carden Corts (who already has a great TV name) racked up over 500,000 views on YouTube Wednesday with his school project, a weather forecast produced with the help of his video professional dad.

In the video, Corts hits all the marks of an A-worthy weather report. Off the bat, he correctly pronounces the word “meteorologist,” then charismatically demonstrates how to respond to inclement weather against backgrounds whirled up with a “weather simulator.” He even gives the highs and low temperatures for the day at his school, Waverly Belmont Elementary.

There’s also a fun intermission where he hypes up his sponsor, Pokémon cards.

Corts’ unequivocal enthusiasm is contagious. If only all weather forecasts were this entertaining.

H/T Mashable

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