
‘I’m gonna open up about something’: Kathy Griffin calls out Mila Kunis and Ashton Kutcher while sharing story about her brother

Griffin says she tried to get her brother arrested but the LAPD wouldn’t help, and that’s ‘always haunted me.’

Photo of Audra Schroeder

Audra Schroeder

Kathy Griffin calls out Mila Kunis and Ashton Kutcher while sharing story about brother

Kathy Griffin used the Mila Kunis and Ashton Kutcher character letters they wrote for convicted rapist Danny Masterson (and their follow-up non-apology) to highlight just how rare it is for someone accused of rape to be convicted.

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And she told a story about her late brother, who was allegedly a pedophile, to support her point.

Griffin says she had evidence that her brother, Ken, had molested at least two kids, and had assaulted two girlfriends as well, and tried to get him arrested, but the LAPD allegedly told her they could only do something if one of the kids reported it, or her brother confessed.

“So it’s always haunted me that I could never do anything about it,” she says. The comments on her TikTok, which has more than 2 million views, are filled with people sharing the varying degrees of justice they’ve seen with their own experiences.

@kathygriffin Trigger warning. This has haunted me my whole life. I tried everything I could think of. No one would do anything. #SA #speakup #believevictims #believewomen #triggerwarning ♬ original sound – realkathygriffin

Masterson received 30 years on two of three rape charges, and that sentencing was, in part, the result of the scope of the crimes: Masterson drugged women and raped them, something people pointed out after so many of the character letters mentioned how Masterson doesn’t do drugs (but not that it’s because he’s a Scientologist). The accusers also reported the assaults after they happened, which Judge Charlaine Olmedo mentioned in her own statement before sentencing.

The victim impact statements from the three accusers were posted by reporter Meghann Cuniff, and are much more illustrative than the character letters from famous friends, which Kunis and Kutcher claimed they didn’t know would be made public.

“It is worth noting since I know you take pride in hurting women, you never took my integrity,” wrote Niesha Trout, who was previously known as Jane Doe #2. “Nothing and no one ever could. Hear me, or don’t, when I say: You did this to me and all of your victims intentionally. You wanted my light. You steal women’s radiance. You treated us like we were less than trash, beneath you. But deep down, you coveted precisely those beautiful things in us that you could not find in yourself.”


Jen B., Jane Doe #1, wrote about how reporting her rape to the Church of Scientology, and then to the LAPD, upended her life and her mental health. She also writes that Masterson put her then-nine-year-old daughter’s name on an NDA: “The reason she knew about what this monster did to her mom was the monster himself arranged for the son of one of his friends, one of his homies, one of my daughter’s classmates to tell my daughter, to tell her, to shame her and say her mommy was a liar and Danny didn’t rape her mommy.”

Chrissie Carnell Bixler, previously known as Jane Doe #3, said in her statement that she was “diagnosed with PTSD, general anxiety, and panic disorder. I have also developed severe trichotillomania. I haven’t been diagnosed agoraphobic, but I can count on two hands the amount of times I’ve left my home in the last few years.”

She also put the spotlight on Kutcher’s alleged past behavior via Instagram Stories this weekend.

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