Photo showing a patient getting a shot in the arm with a COVID-19 vaccine meme on top.

Shutterstock, Twitter/matchu_chutrain Daily Dot

‘Don’t worry about what’s in the COVID vaccine if…’ is a new meme ripping on anti-vaxxers

It’s time to take a hard look at your lifestyle choices.


Siobhan Ball

Internet Culture

Now that there’s a light at the end of the pandemic tunnel and a vaccine has started rolling out, not everyone is happy about it. Some people are convinced vaccines are a satanic conspiracy, an attempt by the Illuminati to depopulate the earth, or are somehow toxic. And now they are going after the COVID-19 vaccine, with one common objection that we apparently have no idea what’s in it (we do, in fact, but conspiracy theorists have never let that stop them).

I went to Morehouse with a dude who used to drink Ice Houses and Incredible Hulks with me, and now he online talking about he not taking the COVID vaccine because he doesn’t know what’s in it.... Man...

The pro-vaccine population are pushing back, creating the “don’t worry about what’s in the vaccine if” meme, citing all the much more dubious things people have consumed and done over the years that should mean they have no qualms about the contents of the vaccine.

If you've walked on New York City streets barefoot in the wee hours of the morning because you couldn't bother to wear shoes anymore, you do not have to worry about what's in the vaccine.
If you’ve ever put your mouth on a communal shofar, then do not worry about what’s in the coronavirus vaccine.
if u let ur dog lick ur face please do not worry about what’s in the vaccine

Popular callouts include unwise partying behaviour.

If you ever drank straight out of a burnetts bottle handed to you from someone you don’t know in a basement you do not have to worry about what’s in the covid vaccine.
If you drank natty light out of beer pong cups that were not replaced all night at sketchy frat houses do not worry about what’s in the covid vaccine
if you have ever drank 4 loko at any point in life do not worry about what’s in the vaccine

And eating the terrifying mystery meats from fast food places and other questionable food choices.
if you’ve eaten food from the fair every year u do not need to worry about what’s in the COVID vaccine
'If you’ve had one of these you do not have to worry about what’s in the covid vaccine' two pictures of frappucinos, one is brown and has a list of ingredients as long as the cup, the other features two rainbow frappucinos

And vaping was another popular target.

if you've used the bathroom aboard the Staten Island Ferry, do not worry about what's in the coronavirus vaccine
if you juul do not worry about what’s in the vaccine
If you used a stranger's weed vape in your high school's bathroom you do not need to worry about what's in the COVID vaccine

Horrifying public bathrooms came up a lot, too.

If you’ve gone to the bathroom in Penn Station then do not worry about what’s in the coronavirus vaccine
if you've used the bathroom aboard the Staten Island Ferry, do not worry about what's in the coronavirus vaccine
if you ever had to use the bathroom in a straight boy’s apartment do not worry about what’s in the vaccine

As did the general unhygienic nature of kids.

'If you put your face in one of these right after you bought it from the store as a kid, you do not need to worry about what’s in the COVID vaccine' picture of one of those puzzle toys that lets you make 3D images by pushing the nails in and out, it's pink and currently showing a face
If you ever said “5 second rule” after dropping your food on the ground you do not need to worry about what’s in the covid vaccine
'If you let your kids play with this you don’t have to worry about what’s in the Covid-19 vaccine.' a child with long blonde hair is touching a giant stone ball revolving in a fountain

Basically, if you’re a human who has lived in the world, you’ve probably come into contact with much worse things, and if you ever want to see the outside again, you’re going to have to suck it up and take the needle.

The Daily Dot