Internet Culture

This graduation photo was 5 years and $40,000 in the making

The photo went viral on Reddit.

Photo of David Britton

David Britton

graduation photo joke

Graduating, whether it be from college, high school, or kindergarten, is an important moment in a person’s life, hence all the pomp and circumstance. Graduates don special robes, relatives come from across the country, and everyone takes pictures. So many pictures. The pictures are almost more important than the ceremony itself—proof that the moment really happened, that the goal was achieved—and professional photography companies rake in big money during graduation season.

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And if the pictures are important, what better object to be holding in your graduation photo than a previous graduation photo. At least that’s what Waleed Hamed thought when he went to pose for his pictures. He’s finishing up his advanced degree in business operations and marketing at the University of Ontario Institute of Technology, and he surprised the photographer but showing up with a picture from his undergraduate graduation. To add to the fun, in that picture he’s holding a picture of himself graduating from high school.

graduation photo joke

“The photographer thought it was the funniest prop he’d ever seen as did the other studio employee,” Hamed told the Daily Dot via email. “[A] Friend of mine that had his photos done later heard about my little joke from the studio as the workers were still talking about it all day.”


Reddit agreed. The photo received over 5,000 upvotes after Hamed posted it to the r/funny subreddit, with the caption “A joke 5 years and $40,000 in the making.”

“Howdit cost $40000?” asked one commenter, apparently amazed that someone could get through five years of school on such a small budget.

To which Hamed simply answered “Canada!”

This is hardly the first time someone has created a viral meta-photo. Of course, who could forget the Macauley Culkin and Ryan Gosling T-shirt inception of 2015?


There’s also this fan posing with Adam Savage of Mythbusters fame.

mythbusters fan inception photo


And here’s a guy who’s apparently a huge fan of comedian Doug Benson.

doug benson photo inception


And this guy who’s apparently a huge of fan of himself.

In Body Image

Hamed, who’s a big sports fan, hopes to use his experience to get a job in sports marketing around hockey or basketball. When that happens he says he’ll post a new picture. “[I]Will definitely follow up and keep the gag going,” he said, “continue the inDEPTion.”

The Daily Dot