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Watch this French bulldog puppy learn to trust

*Helpless squeeing noises*


Aja Romano

Internet Culture

Get ready to be simultaneously overwhelmed with emotions and deeply inspired by this GIF of a puppy evolving from petrified to fearless in the span of a single leap into his owner’s arms.

Whatever you’re thinking, you still aren’t prepared for this. 

We’ll pause while you locate and remold all your melted internal organs.

Rocky is a very happy French bulldog. He’s now considerably taller than he was in April, when his owner, Peter Valko, posted footage of Rocky learning to jump into his arms. The video sat unnoticed for months until Tastefully Offensive found it late last month. In the last 12 days, it’s garnered over 7 million views on YouTube, probably because it’s the most adorable thing in the universe.

What’s the best thing about this? Is it how terrified poor Rocky is? Is it how he finally summons his inner Kerri Strug and just goes for it? Or is it how he immediately takes a second flying leap right back over the edge, flush with puppy self-actualization and the knowledge that his owner really, really loves him?

What a leap Rocky made—one death-defying leap off the loveseat and into all of our hearts. 

Screengrab via YouTube

The Daily Dot