Internet Culture

We’re true believers of this floating Zimbabwean prophet

You will forsake your own god when you see this video.

Photo of Spike Friedman

Spike Friedman

Article Lead Image

It’s time to dust off the ol’ skeptic hat and do some prophet-busting.

Our latest target is the Zimbabwean prophet Shepherd Bushiri. His video here claims that he’s capable of using the power of Jesus Christ to walk on air. Let’s just see about that.

Holy shit! Look at those feet!

YouTube/News 24 Zimbabwe TV

There is no way that’s possible. This man is walking on air.

I mean, for this to be possible, you would assume there’d have to be a crane or something hidden in the room. But the camera showed the whole room, panning from side to side as if to say, “No sir, there’s no room for skepticism here.”

And then those feet. Those majestic, blessed feet. 

This seemingly mortal man is walking on air.

Walking on air used to be the exclusive province of birds and airplanes. Sure, Jesus Christ walked on water, but water is far denser than air. This is unbelievable. Excuse me while I light my skeptic’s hat on fire and book a flight to South Africa to worship at the feet of Shepherd Bushiri.

Photo via Ian Scott/Flickr (CC BY SA 2.0)

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