The hearty Beagle, as everyone knows, makes an excellent hunting dog. They have an extraordinary sense of smell and a strong tracking instinct. A Beagle absolutely will not give up until it has captured and defeated its prey.
That’s why Maymo, a courageous lemon beagle, was not intimidated when the one tiny duck his owner presented to him, was quickly joined by a whole crate of its friends. No, mighty Maymo remained unafraid even when a fearsome giant duck showed up to join the fray.
It should also be noted that these are the kind of shenanigans Maymo has to deal with all the time. For some reason his owner seems to delight in playing “pranks” on the otherwise stoic animal.
Maymo has had to face off against zombie cats.

Slimer from Ghostbusters.

And even Death himself.

And each time he emerges triumphant.

Fight on brave, Maymo. Something tells us your greatest battles lie ahead.

H/T Mashable