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Man challenges Gaston to manly push-up contest at Disney World

No one riffs like Gaston, no one lifts like Gaston!


Aja Romano

Internet Culture

We don’t know who Walt Disney World’s resident Gaston is, but he’s quickly winning our hearts. Last month the manly Beauty and the Beast villain allowed a six-year-old to totally pwn him without losing any of his Gastonishing charm.

But his magnanimity only goes so far, apparently: When one upstart visitor to Belle’s Village in Disney World challenged Gaston to a push-up contest, he wasn’t about to accept defeat.

Yes, this is a dreaded vertical video, but it’s worth it for the sheer level of pwnage that happens at 0:47.

The video comes to us courtesy of redditor carbonyl, who related to r/Disney that the guy challenging Gaston in the video is his brother. 

Apparently his brother, in addition to holding his own next to the Manliest Man of them all, is a good sport about being shown up by an animated Disney villain.

Photo via Social2 (CC BY-SA 3.0)

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