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How to complain (about complaining) about a snowstorm on Twitter

Small talk about the weather, writ large.


Miles Klee

Internet Culture

If you didn’t know that the Northeastern U.S. had just been slapped by a feisty snowstorm, you certainly found out when you logged onto Twitter, where people are talking about little else. This being the Internet, the complaints ranged from the sarcastic to the philosophically extreme and scientifically depressing.

Incredible photo of the snow in New York.

— Jamie McKelvie (@McKelvie) January 3, 2014

If I was given a choice to get rid of racist people or snow, I honestly think I’d get rid of snow. I hate it that much

— Jaymaine Osay (@J_maineyoo) January 3, 2014

Increased global temperatures means there is more water vapor in the air. More water vapor means more snow in the winter.

— Will McAvoy (@WillMcAvoyACN) January 3, 2014

New York City’s new first lady promised that a day off school for her son wouldn’t be all sledding and snowball fights. (Mayor de Blasio himself started the shoveling, but Dante finished the job).

What Dante will be doing if he does not go to school tomorrow.

— Chirlane McCray (@Chirlane) January 2, 2014

Anything Dad can do, Dante can do better! @deBlasioNYC son finishes shoveling in BK

— tracie strahan (@tstrahan4NY) January 3, 2014

Overall, there was so much complaining that users started complaining about the complaining itself—followed, inevitably, by the complaining about the complaining about the complaining.

Seriously if you hate the snow that much than MOVE!!! I’m sick of hearing ppl complain about it. It’s F’n OHIO ppl!!!

— Sheila (@sheila0381) January 3, 2014

It’s official, the people complaining about complaining about snow are more annoying than the people complaining about snow

— Ben Duronio (@Ben_Duronio) January 3, 2014

Not everyone was bothered, however.

every one complaining bout the snow and I’m just feet up wit a Capri sun whaddup @MikeTyson

— Biscuito (@OGBiscuit) January 3, 2014

In fact, many went about their business as usual.

people, please RT @TaylorLorenz: Yes people are still in line for Cronuts via @NishaChittal

— Josh Petri (@joshpetri) January 3, 2014

Today might be a great day to go to the Apple store and get solid service, I feel like hipsters hate the snow.

— Droop (@droopy3) January 3, 2014

If you’re not snowbound yourself at the moment, you might take the opportunity to gloat.

Everyone’s complaining about the snow and I’m over here wishing I had some girl friends to go hit up the beach with #sofloprobz

— His princess♛ (@blessedbasebgf) January 3, 2014

Everyones complaining about snow, but I’m just sitting outside…

— Giordano Silvaggi (@gsilvaggi) January 2, 2014

Or even turn the situation to your advantage.

If you’re complaining about snow on Twitter you should probably move to SF. Especially if you’re cute, tall, and single.

— Korey Kuhl (@koreykuhl) January 3, 2014

But there’s one snow tweet to rule them all—in this there can be no dispute:

There’s cocaine everywhere… wait no it snowed fuck

— Elliott (@EMbleezed) January 2, 2014

Got a better line that that? Save it for the next blizzard.

Photo by Mark Griffith/Flickr

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