Every evening, the Daily Dot delivers a selection of links worth clicking from around the Web, along with the day’s must-see image or video. We call it Dotted Lines.
- Yep, there’s a Charles Ramsey video game and you can play it right here. Burger Bash lets you throw McDonald’s hamburgers at tiny Ariel Castros. Programmers: Please stop capitalizing on gruesome tragedies to make novelty lulz.
- Remember when Daft Punk and Juliette Lewis starred in a 2001 Gap ad? We do.
- We looked, and yes, ’90s Island is still the greatest ’90s throwback book promo site of all time.
- How’s the new Vampire Weekend, anyway?
- A GIF guide to using your phone in the theater so someone else doesn’t throw it away.
- Awkward Black GIrl’s Issa Rae is about to blow up.
- The Office guest star quiz.
- Gather ’round and let Gwyneth Paltrow school you on punk.