FCC Nominee Gigi Sohn speaking at her second confirmation hearing.

Gigi Sohn’s post-FCC-fiasco job will be directing funding to public broadband

Gigi Sohn is the American Association for Public Broadband’s first executive director.

On by David Covucci

sad Gigi Sohn with microphone

EXCLUSIVE: How 3 Democrats’ last-minute dealings killed Gigi Sohn’s FCC nomination for good

Sohn’s officially withdrew her nomination yesterday.

On by Karl Bode

Gigi Sohn speaking in front of bookshelf with FCC logo to her left

Gigi Sohn withdraws FCC nomination, calls attacks ‘absurd caricature of blatant lies’

The longtime broadband advocate said she faced ‘unrelenting, dishonest, and cruel attacks’ during her nomination process.

On by Jacob Seitz

Gigi Sohn speaking into microphone

Gigi Sohn says recent Supreme Court ruling won’t stop FCC from reinstating net neutrality

Sohn said in her third confirmation hearing that she believes the FCC still has the authority to act on net neutrality if Congress does not.

On by Jacob Seitz

JD Vance speaking in front of blue background (l) Gigi Sohn speaking in front of bookshelf (r)

JD Vance demands Gigi Sohn defend hypothetical tweets he made up at confirmation hearing

Gigi Sohn has now gone through 3 confirmation hearings since being nominated by Biden in 2021.

On by Mikael Thalen

Gigi Sohn

LGBTQ rights groups demand Senate confirm Gigi Sohn as she faces new smear campaign

Sohn continues to wait for a new hearing.

On by David Covucci

Gigi Sohn

Republicans use OnlyFans to try and sink Gigi Sohn’s FCC nomination

Sohn is facing criticism from the right for serving on the board of non-profit that opposed SESTA/FOSTA in 2018.

On by Jacob Seitz

Gigi Sohn speaking in front of bookshelf

Gigi Sohn to be renominated to FCC

It’s still unclear if she can get through the Senate., though she now faces an easier path.

On by Karl Bode

Gigi Sohn speaking into a microphone smiling

Democrats now have the votes to get Gigi Sohn on the FCC—will they do it?

After a year of minimal movement, there’s hope.

On by Karl Bode

Homepage article image

It’s been a year since Gigi Sohn was nominated to the FCC—and internet rights groups are pissed

it’s the longest a nomination has stalled.

On by Jacob Seitz

Gigi Sohn

Big telecom’s relentless lobbying is pushing Gigi Sohn’s FCC nomination to the brink

Sohn has been left to fend for herself.

On by Karl Bode

Former Senator Heidi Heitkamp speaking into microphone

Broadband expert thrashes former senator’s misleading campaign against Gigi Sohn’s FCC nomination

Heitkamp is ‘misreading quotes’ about Sohn.

On by Jacob Seitz

One country project profile photo of field and blue sky (l) Gigi Sohn speaking into microphone (r)

Why a Democrat is now trying to tank Gigi Sohn’s nomination to the FCC

The ad is targeting senators who are needed to approve Sohn.

On by Jacob Seitz

photo of gigi sohn

Gigi Sohn passes out of committee, nomination to FCC goes to full Senate

It’s been a slow process for Sohn, but it is moving forward.

On by Jacob Seitz

FCC Nominee Gigi Sohn speaking at her second confirmation hearing.

Gigi Sohn calls Republican accusations against her a big telecom-led effort to keep the FCC deadlocked

A senator said the obstruction was an attempt to ‘deadlock, disarm, and disable the FCC.’

On by Andrew Wyrich

The Daily Dot