Customer calls out grocery store for sealing bags of grapes 'for customer convenience'


‘I’ll still be removing the sticker and half the grapes as well’: Customer calls out grocery store for sealing bags of grapes

‘It’s to avoid grapes on floor that cause slips and claims.’


Jack Alban


A recent TikTok video seems to be resonating with incognito fruit samplers, with 81,000 views as of Sunday. In the clip, the frustration over sealed grapes takes center stage.

User Breakfast Shirts (@breakfastshirts) underlines the supposed convenience these seals advertise to customers, then humorously turns it around on the management of the grocery store he’s visiting, declaring that from his perspective, they are not convenient at all.

For reference, sealed grapes are simply a normal bag of grapes we’re all used to seeing at the grocery store, but instead, it’s sealed with an extra sticky tape to prevent customers from opening them to remove some for a more desirable weight, or, to nibble. The video opens on a bag of sealed grapes, with the creator emphasizing the seal’s label, noting it states it “is for your convenience,” he then smartly adds, “It’ll be convenient for me, to try the f*cking grapes before I buy them. How about that?”

The comments section echoed the TikToker’s humorous sentiment, with many users sharing similar experiences and frustrations. One commenter indicated that not only do the seals prevent sampling, but prevent adequate inspection also.

“Lol so now you can’t check if they are nice graps and they can hide the rotten ones in the center like they do with apples and tomatoes that come in,” they said.

Another commenter took issue with the price of the seal, writing, “The stickers probably cost more than what a few grapes would cost,” hinting at the idea that letting customers try before they buy would be financially advantageous.

A third commenter stood defiantly in the face of the new labels, sharing, “I’ll still be removing the sticker and half the grapes as well.”

The TikToker’s video highlights a growing frustration in the grocery industry: inefficient, inconvenient, and wasteful food packaging. And with the world producing more single-use plastic waste than ever, it’s more than just an issue of inconvenience.

In the case presented in the video, the creator and the commenters seem to agree: they have their reasons for wanting to handle the grapes…and the seals won’t hold. The grocery chain certainly has its reasons, but it appears a sealed bag isn’t even one of the best ways to store grapes to preserve their freshness.

On one hand, it’s most likely a measure to combat shrink, on the other, it’s frustrating customers. For some, like the TikToker, they just want a small sample before their purchase. For others, it’s to inspect for quality control issues. Regardless of the reason, commenters seem to have one thing in common: no matter the seals’ stated intention, they aren’t feeling the love or the convenience.

@breakfastshirts Breaking news that’s not very convenient #breakfastshirts ♬ original sound – Breakfast Shirts

The ethics and decorum surrounding grape sampling seem to be a point of contention among both shoppers and shopkeepers alike. One Redditor uploaded blasted folks who find it necessary to nab themselves a grape or two before purchasing, calling the practice “food tampering.”

Others also seemed to feel that trying out fruit from a package before buying isn’t kosher, especially because they observed that customers in supermarkets who nibble on them never buy them anyway.

However, in this Quora forum post, some seemed divided on the issue, stating that as long as the person is sampling the grapes or whatever small piece of fruit they’re trying out, then it’s fine if they indulge themselves in a piece or two.

The Daily Dot has reached out to Breakfast Shirts for comment.    

The Daily Dot