michael cohen and donald trump

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Trump tweets dig at Michael Cohen after plea

The president tells a joke.


David Covucci


Yesterday, President Donald Trump‘s former lawyer and fixer Michael Cohen accepted a plea deal where he admitted to violating campaign finance law during the 2016 election. Today, as is to be expected, the president did a tweet.

“If anyone is looking for a good lawyer, I would strongly suggest that you don’t retain the services of Michael Cohen!” he wrote.

Is that kinda funny? It’s kind of funny, given that it’s true a convicted felon who will soon be disbarred is not a good choice for a lawyer.

There’s just one problem with that. Pretty much only one person over the past decade hired Michael Cohen as a lawyer.


And while Cohen flipped on Trump, prompting this tweet, Cohen was actually a pretty good fixer for Trump, quietly arranging two payments that kept two women silent, when their stories might have cost Trump the presidency if they got out. So maybe you should hire him?

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