Tomi Lahren

Screengrab via Tomi Lahren/YouTube Remix by Jason Reed

Tomi Lahren’s 2017: A year in very bad tweets

Tomi Lahren truly brought the bad tweets in 2017.


Brenden Gallagher

Layer 8

We regret to inform you Tomi Lahren is at it again.

(Although, in fairness, did she ever stop? No. The answer is no.)

Over the Thanksgiving holiday, the 25-year-old conservative pundit unleashed what might have been her worst tweet of all time: a poorly photoshopped image of Colin Kaepernick kneeling as troops storm the beach at Normandy during World War II.

There are many terrible pundits floating around the conservative blogosphere—from Alex Jones’ unfettered insanity to Ben Sharipo’s debate team nerdery—but none quite match Lahren’s levels of cruelty, confidence, and staunch her-way-or-the-highway attitude. And thanks to that, in her short career online, she has amassed some of the worst tweets of all time. But in 2017, with her MAGA man Donald Trump in office, she delivered a banner year for her terrible content. Whether in 140 or 280 character bursts, Lahren has committed some serious social offenses over the past 12 months.


Nothing encompasses Lahren’s white girl confidence and simultaneous constant feeling of victimization more than her feud with rapper Wale. When she was showed up in a song by the D.C. rapper, she was none too pleased and thought she could take a swing. 

What Lahren missed was that… mispronouncing her name was the diss. That didn’t stop her from firing back, with the same insult Wale already used.

Wale did not care. And Tomi’s tweets just got worse.


Let’s be real. Literally everyone outside of the Boston metropolitan area hates Tom Brady and the Patriots. And that was before Trump was elected. Lahren, it should be noted, is from South Dakota and is a Dallas Cowboys fan. But after trampling all over one of America’s premier events, she went right after another.

Iranian filmmaker Asghar Farhadi boycotted this year’s Oscars to protest Trump’s Muslim ban. As was expected, his film The Salesman won Best Foreign Language Film. Lahren took the opportunity to sound off on the Iranian people generally, and insult Farhadi.

A brief Google search would have revealed that Farhadi is a critic of many aspects of Iranian culture. But, of course, that didn’t stop Lahren from painting an entire people with the same racist brush.



Did you know that the opposite of apologizing is launching dozens of Tomahawk cruise missiles?

Last spring, Lahren decided to twistedly conflate Trump’s attack on air bases in Syria in 2017 with Obama’s 2009 outreach trip to Muslim nations. Lahren cheered the offensive, saying that’s what happens “when you rattle our cage.” Obama began air strikes in Syria in 2014.


As summer approached, Lahren also heated up, taking serious offense to Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Calif.) characterization of Trump.    

That was crass, but the only thing more immature was Lahren breaking out a schoolyard taunt (and we’re talking elementary school) to try and hit back.

In this tweet, Lahren plumbs to depths of her wit and comes up with something akin to “I know you are but what am I?” Then, twelve hours later, she attempted to offer a constitutional lesson to her fellow tweeters.

Before she did that, she should have looked up “life expectancy colonial America.”


Lahren kicked off June the same way your grandmother did.

By making a terrible “covfefe” tweet.

Then came one of her favorite acts online. Lahren never met a tragedy she didn’t like… to use to advance her political agenda.

In this tweet, Lahren argues that because liberals want to fight climate change, they actually are supporting terrorists. Roger that. 

Meanwhile, she is so bad at Twitter beefs, she even gets owned by brands online. The day after she sounded off on the London attack, she complained about her air travel experience.

Lahren attempted to get into it with Alaska Air and there were flashbacks to her conflict with Wale.

The brilliant manager behind Alaska’s Twitter called her “Tami.” The Internet was pleased. And yes, Wale was very much amused.


Truly, how many groups of people can you offend in one tweet?

A grotesque masterpiece. Put this in the MOMA.


But if you thought July couldn’t be any more confounding, check out this gem from August.

She just made this up, right? Unless the guy she’s mocking has a torn rotator cuff or something. But even better, when people accosted her for this absurdity, she couched.

This whole thing is a joke.  


As cuffing season dawned, we got to see Tomi’s idea of #relationshipgoals.

Now, we can’t unsee it. And that was just the beginning. October was a big month for your girl. Not only did she reveal herself to be a Vegas shooting truther:

She spoke out during the nascent #MeToo movement by comparing it to wearing a MAGA hat in the break room:

Before finally dressing as a “conservative” for Halloween (which consisted of a MAGA unitard, American flag cape, and a fanny pack?).

This, of course, came after her repeated criticism of NFL players for disrespecting the flag. So, naturally, those on the left who love a good laugh mocked her for wearing what looked like an American flag as part of her costume.

Lahren fired out at the “selectively patriotic Snowflakes” who were melting in the face of… her dumb outfit?

We’ve all screenshotted Yahoo! Answers to try and win an argument. It doesn’t mean you’ve actually won it. 


As evidenced before, Lahren really knows how to address tragic circumstances with thoughtful compassion. Here’s what she tweeted shortly after a mass shooting at a Texas church.

She was quickly derided by Texans, who were quick to point out that she grew up in Rapid City, South Dakota and went to college in Las Vegas. Neither of those places are in Texas.

Lahren also currently resides in California.

But before we venture into the unknown that is this December, let’s take one last look at her most recent missive.

The tweet contains multitudes. Its awfulness, like a prism, can be reflected and viewed in thousands of unique ways. Some examples of why this tweet is terrible include, but are in NO WAY limited to: many Black veterans share Kaepernick’s views, the NFL protests are not about the U.S. military, Kaepernick is a humanitarian, the tweet was sent on Thanksgiving, manipulating images of soldiers marching to their death is disrespectful, and the caption “Food for thought” makes no sense in the context of the picture.

Cheers, Tomi. You are 2017’s worst tweeter.

The Daily Dot