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Unreleased footage from the ‘Apprentice’ allegedly has Trump saying the N-word

Anyone got $5 million?


April Siese


By now, you’re well aware that Donald Trump thinks it’s perfectly OK to sexually assault women because he’s famous. And that he hit on a married woman while also married, referred to his wife as a monster while she was pregnant, thinks it’s more than fine to call his daughter a piece of ass, and violated the privacy of pageant contests. But did you also know that this misogynist is also a racist?

Take your pick of underserved communities and, chances are, the Republican nominee has publicly uttered some terribly offensive shit about them at a rally, to say nothing of his discriminatory business practices.

The perfect melding of both narcissistic political events and his bullshit business savvy was his reality show, the Apprentice. It was a chance for Donald Trump to go full Donald Trump on national television, but only to a point. Not all of his reprehensible comments he may have made ended up on air.

People are begging for audio from the show, which ran for over a decade with the Donald at the helm. Rumors abound that Trump said the n-word. And that it costs a pretty penny to send these tapes into the wild.

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Producer Bill Pruitt hinted at footage from the first two seasons alone being far worse than what the Washington Post unearthed on Friday. Doc McStuffins creator and executive producer Chris Nee claims that “far worse” statement is a racial epithet. Nee tweeted at noted Trump hater and legitimate billionair Mark Cuban to get the ball rolling and fork over the $5 million it could take to bring Trump down.

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According to TMZ, the footage we’re all waiting for is technically owned by MGM. It’s unclear the extent of the legal hurdles needed to be cleared to avoid a lawsuit. Show creator Mark Burnett has yet to issue a statement about Pruitt’s claims and Trump appears to be preparing for Sunday night’s debate, whatever the hell that’s worth.

Update 4:29pm CT Oct. 9: A GoFundMe campaign has been set up for whoever leaks the Apprentice footage in question.

The campaign has raised $160 within its first 45 minutes.

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