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Screengrab via CNN | Photo via Jefferson Academy/Twitter

This D.C. public school thrashed Betsy DeVos on Twitter after she criticized its teachers

The school said it would teach DeVos a lesson.


Josh Katzowitz


Betsy DeVos’s first weeks as education secretary have not gone smoothly. First, she was blocked from entering a Washington D.C. public school, and last week, the Education Department’s Twitter account misspelled the name of W.E.B. Du Bois.

Now, she’s getting thrashed by that same D.C. middle school from which she was originally blocked after DeVos criticized the teachers employed there. To say whomever is running the Jefferson Academy Twitter account is pissed is an understatement.

After all, look at this rant after DeVos was quoted as saying, via Townhall, “[The teachers are] waiting to be told what they have to do, and that’s not going to bring success to an individual child. You have to have teachers who are empowered to facilitate great teaching.”

DeVos, it should be noted, has never been a teacher nor she does she have any experience with public schools. The school was not so eager to hear her criticisms.

The Twitter account also retweeted a few takes similar to this.

All of it led to DeVos softening her stance on Twitter on Saturday morning.

But if there’s a lesson here, it’s this. DeVos—who was only barely confirmed by the Senate—doesn’t seem to have much credibility with many of those involved with public schools. It also seems she has plenty of homework to do in order to actually build it. 

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