Brett Kavanaugh Alyssa Milano

CBS News/YouTube

33-tweet rant wildly alleges Alyssa Milano was trying to harm Kavanaugh

‘The moles betrayed them.’


Josh Katzowitz


Though she’s active and outspoken in her support of the #MeToo movement, it might have surprised viewers that actress Alyssa Milano was present (and actively on camera) during Thursday’s Brett Kavanaugh and Christine Blasey Ford hearing.

But one Twitter user was not surprised. To Thomas Wictor, Milano’s presence at the hearing made perfect sense—she obviously was conspiring to physically harm the Supreme Court nominee—and so he went on a tweetstorm.

Wictor’s thread has received thousands of retweets and tens of thousands of likes. Many appear to agree with him. According to Breitbart, Wictor is “a Venezuelan-born recluse with a rich and varied past who, besides being the world’s greatest (and only) expert on World War I flamethrowers, also happens to produce some of the most fascinating Twitter threads and social media video commentary you will ever see on subjects ranging from Antifa to Pallywood to what’s really going on in Syria and Iraq.”

Wictor also reportedly had his account suspended recently.

The conspiracy theory apparently began to take shape when another Twitter user, @Fuctupmind, wondered why Milano was allowed to take video footage of the hearing with her phone. Was she scouting the room?

That allowed @ThomasWictor the opportunity to start explaining some stuff. And he went on for 33 tweets, writing about how Milano was using a telephoto lens to measure the layout and the distances of the room and how she was going to try to cause a distraction in the room. He used sexist language and suggested that a botched assassination plan on national television resulting in her death was good for the public.

That last photo in the thread was of Kavanaugh, during an earlier Supreme Court nomination hearing, declining the chance to shake hands with Fred Guttenberg, whose daughter Jaime was killed during the Parkland shooting. He said it was a “dry run” for an assassination attempt.

Wictor explained why Milano wore her hair in a bun: She’d be ready to fight.

Then, Wictor explained why the world needed a “leftist assailant” to be assassinated.

Wictor continued his rant by writing, “Leftists won’t listen to me, but I’ll tell them anyway: Stop f*cking around. The hardest of all hardcore men and women will kill you in a second. Even if you have tits.

“Milano had a plan, but Kavanaugh was covered. BOY WAS HE EVER. And tomorrow he becomes our next Supreme Court justice.

“When you vote in November, remember Alyssa Milano. She is the kind of unhinged militant who makes it necessary to electorally exterminate the Democrats…”

Soon after, Wictor had another revelation: Milano’s signs were given to her during the testimony by a co-conspirator.

So, to sum it all up: Milano was tweeting signs and trying to coordinating an attack. But the plot was thwarted.

In reality, Milano was a guest of Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.), and yes, she was shamed for the dress she wore. But instead of trying to hurt Kavanaugh, Milano said she was there because it was a moment in history she couldn’t miss.

“It’s an important day for women,” she said, via ABC News. “It’s an important day for politics. I’m happy to be in there standing by her side in her quest for justice.”

But that didn’t stop her from retweeting a message that wished Milano could actually affect the hearings like one of her old TV characters.

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