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The Pumpkin Spice Latte: The greatest divider of our internet times

Today marks the first day of the PSL season. Let us celebrate—or bring the hate.


Lyz Lenz


Like a wall, or talk of walls on bordering countries, the pumpkin spice latte divides us all. There are the gleeful lovers, the cynical haters, even the political protesters. But every year, the PSL returns, just like the hurricane and flu season, to mark our entrance into autumn and our long, dark march into winter.

And today is that day of PSL’s arrival. Starbucks announced the official beginning of the 13th (!!) pumpkin spice latte season, and of course the internet did it’s best internetting by rejoicing, trolling, and meming.

We’ve got the lovers:

And those who just want a whole latte peace on earth:

Whether you’re sticking to your flat white or bandwagoning on the PSL, cheers to all!

The Daily Dot