steve king alexandra ocasio cortez

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AOC has the best response to Steve King’s ‘concentration camp’ criticism

Steve King’s past speaks volumes.


David Covucci


Ever since Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) started a national dialogue about the horrific conditions in detention centers along the U.S.-Mexico border by calling them “concentration camps,” Republicans have been clamoring to “well, actually” her.

Unfortunately, some of those chiding her for using language that evokes the Holocaust have… let’s just say… interesting relationships with it. First, there was Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.), who once brought a Holocaust denier to the State of the Union address, saying her language did a disservice to the debate.

Now it is Rep. Steve King’s (R-Iowa) turn. King is known for his dalliances with white supremacy, so his opinion should be of little weight. But he wanted Ocasio-Cortez to know that he toured Auschwitz, and she should, too.

Luckily, AOC was there to bring up just what King did after he toured Auschwitz: Take a meeting with a neo-Nazis.

King has repeatedly denied that his language or actions are anti-Semitic, but many people found it bizarre that he would try to lecture Ocasio-Cortez.

Ironic, indeed.


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