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Photo via Caroline Davis2010/Flickr

Internet roasts dude for mansplaining space to female astronaut

When you ‘actually’ a woman, reach for the moon—or delete your account.


Lyz Lenz


One mansplainer decided to boldly go where no mansplainer has gone before: explaining physics to an astronaut.

On Sept. 8, astronaut Jessica Meir—Ph.D. in marine biology, assistant professor at Harvard Medical School, award-winning researcher—tweeted a video of water spontaneously boiling in space.

But her accomplishments (or the fact that she was indeed an astronaut in space) weren’t enough for one man. In a now-deleted tweet, a dude going by the handle @caseyoquin explained to Meir what he called “simple thermo.”

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Meir did not reply. The internet handled that for her.

In response, @caseyoquin did what was most suitable, and deleted his account.

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