korean sheet masks


The Best Korean sheet masks for every skin type

Welcome to the fountain of youth.


Colette Bennett


Korean sheet masks have been trendy for a few years now thanks to Instagram. Everyone from K-beauty mavens to celebrities snap pics of them plastered on their faces.

They’re also an affordable trend, costing as little as a dollar to try, and available everywhere from your local Sephora to Walgreens.

That said, not every Korean sheet mask is alike, although they may appear to be. Most sheet masks will be helpful to your skin, but if you want to target specific issues, be sure to read up on what you’re buying first.

There are several different kinds of fabrics for a sheet mask: fiber, pulp, hydrogel, and others. There are also different ingredients tailored to certain skin challenges like acne, dryness, aging, and more.

We’ve sheet masked more than a normal human probably should, so we’re sharing our favorite Korean sheet masks with you. Wrap up your hair, get a glass of wine, and enjoy!

The best Korean sheet mask for every skin type

1) The best sheet mask for daily use: Tosowoong Pure Masks

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Tosowoong is a cult favorite in K-beauty circles. These face masks are cheap, drenched with great natural ingredients, and stay moist while worn for a long time.

Pro-tip! Lesser quality sheet masks dry out faster.

Our favorites are the propolis and snail masks, but you can also choose from green tea, blueberry, aloe, and deep seawater. Each kind of mask caters to a different focus, like anti-aging, hydration, and more.

Price on Amazon: $12.89 (10-pack)

2) Best Korean sheet mask for intense hydration: Skederm Snail Jelly Face Mask

The idea of snail slime in your skincare may be a turnoff for some, but K-beauty converts know that it’s the equivalent to the fountain of youth.

This mask from Skederm is a terrific fit on the face, rich with moisture, and smells terrific. You can also wear it for a long time, so feel free to indulge.

Did you know that the air on a plane dehydrates your skin? These are especially good masks after a long flight.

Price on Amazon: $24.95 (10-pack)

3) Best intense moisture, lightweight mask: Annie’s Way Hyaluronic Acid + Seaweed Hydrating Mask

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Annie’s Way masks are unlike any other mask on the market. And that’s saying a lot, considering how many thousands are out there.

These masks have a delicacy and efficiency to them that leave a terrific impression. The Hyaluronic + Seaweed has been a fave for me lately since I am a dry skin type.

But you really can’t go wrong with any mask this brand makes. Glowie has a ton of their other options too, so check them out.

Price on Glowie: $3.25 each

4) Best mask for an overall skin pick-me-up: Banobagi Vita Genic Jelly Mask

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This unusual mask comes out of the package feeling a bit gloppy. That’s because it’s a jelly mask, which is loaded with even more hydration ingredients than the average mask.

The results of this mask are extremely notable and ideal if you want to get that “K-beauty glow.” I was awed by its results the first time I tried it, and there have been many, many Banobagi masking nights since.

Price on Amazon: $21.50 (10-pack)

5) Best face masks for daily use on acne-prone skin: Papa Recipe Bombee Honey Mask

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Papa Recipe’s delightful Bombee Honey mask is packed with Manuka honey, an ingredient that soothes troubled skin and fights acne. There’s also hyaluronic acid in there, and you already know what a miracle ingredient that is.

This mask is free of parabens, sulfates, dyes, and fillers and is 100% cruelty-free. Plus, it stays moist on your face for up to an hour. What more could you want?

Price on Amazon: $19.99 (10-pack)

6) Best glow-up mask: Peach & Lily Original Glow Sheet Mask

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I try so many sheet masks that most of them tend to seem similar to me, but not this one. Boy, not this one.

The Original Glow sheet mask doesn’t just moisturize but also includes AHA, which has a bit more punch than what’s in most sheet masks. Alicia Yoon, Peach & Lily’s founder, takes an incredibly thoughtful approach to the skincare line she created.

I cannot recommend enough that you keep these stocked.

Price on Peach & Lily: $6 each or $79 (20-pack)

7) Best Korean sheet mask for when you’re feeling fancy (or silly): Mediheal Mask-querade Code Red Mask

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Not only are these sheet masks from Mediheal the ideal weight for all skin types, but they’re fantastically fun.

The masquerade-inspired design on the packaging is exactly what the product inside looks like, meaning you’ll look quite fanciful as you mask.

This one comes in four varieties to address whitening, moisture, toning, and “glossy” skin. Of course, each variety has a different mask as well.

These are fabulous for a girls’ gathering or a wedding shower as you can marvel over each other’s fancy faces.

Price on Amazon: $14.95

8) Best sheet mask for wrinkles and anti-aging: May Coop Raw Sheet

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If the name May Coop sounds familiar to you, it’s probably because you glanced at it on Sephora’s carefully curated Korean beauty display. The company has been very picky about what K-brands it carries, but May Coop is one of them.

That’s thanks to its Raw Sauce, which uses Maple Sap (as does this mask) to moisturize and revitalize the skin. The mask is cotton and will leave you with a really nice glow.

Price on Peach & Lily: $6 each

9) Good for long, luxurious masking: JayJun Rose Blossom Mask

Tired of masks that dry out after 20 minutes? This Rose Blossom mask stays moist on your face for one hour or more. It also clings beautifully and has a much better fit than cheaper masks.

It’s also heaven for fans of rose scents, and excellent to use after exposure to the chilly wind, flights, and more.

Price on Amazon: $14.89

10) Best masks for that well-rested look: Naruko Snail Essence Intense Hydra Repair Mask

Naruko masks are insanely effective, especially for their price point. They hit all the checkmarks I look for in a great sheet mask: rich essence, good scent, stays moist for an hour or more.

But I also wake up the next day after doing one with majorly reduced dark circles and looking rested. That’s like magic in a package, and every mask in the line seems to have that effect.

I cannot recommend them enough. At the moment the Snail Essence is my favorite, but you can’t go wrong with any of them.

Price on Amazon: $19.95

11) Another great choice for brightness and anti-aging: Naruko Narcissus Repairing DNA Mask

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Naruko’s Korean sheet masks have earned the acclaim of many a K-beauty blogger in recent months. And after trying these masks, it’s easy to see why.

The Narcissus Repairing mask is unique in that it has ear flaps, meaning you will also get a dose of moisture in spots typical masks do not reach. Lightly scented and excellent for brightening, fine lines, and curing dryness, it’s perfect for when you want to soak in a hot bath for a bit.

Price on Amazon: $19.95

Want to learn more about Korean beauty? Check out our guides to doing the 10-step Korean beauty skincare routine, the best sheet masks money can buy, and why Korean sunscreens are vastly superior to American ones. You can also dig through all our Korean beauty coverage right here.


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