
These Harry Potter plushes of Hedwig and Fawkes are magically adorable

Accio yourself some Hogwarts animal friends.

Photo of Jaime Carrillo

Jaime Carrillo

harry potter plushes

Add a flash of magic to any office or bedroom with these two new Harry Potter plushes!

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There’s Harry’s noble Hedwig, who is more than happy to stoop over your desk as you write letters for her to deliver by wing. Her wings can either remain at her side or spread wide as if she’s mid-flight. On the other hand, for those making a stylish escape, there’s Fawkes the Phoenix. Both magical bird plush toys are over a foot high, to echo the size of their book versions. Best of all, they stand upright — sturdy, noble and strong.

Hedwig and Fawkes Harry Potter plushes are available for $39.99 each on ThinkGeek.

Buy them here



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