webuildthewall construction

We Build The Wall/Vimeo

Steve Bannon is the newest face of the GoFundMe border wall

He’s back-ish.


David Covucci


Remember Steve Bannon, the alt-right ideologue and xenophobic master manipulator whose prominent position in the upper ranks of the Trump White House would mainstream a new wave of right-wing nationalism that would fundamentally alter the fabric of this nation? But who then had to slink away to Europe after this white nationalist uprising killed a woman in Charlottesville?

He’s back, once again riding the backs of an internet huckster to get his name in the news.

Bannon is now the director of We Build the Wall Inc., a non-profit started by Brian Kolfage, the triple-amputee veteran who crowdfunded an effort to build a U.S-Mexico border wall. The organization has already constructed a one-mile-long section of the wall in Sunland Park, New Mexico, off the Rio Grande River. It’s on private property, and according to the organization, cost somewhere between $6-8 million. Now, the company wants to sell it to the U.S. government, for the low, low price of $1.

“We’re going to sell this wall back to them for $1 and release the title to them,” Kolfage told the Daily Mail. “We can’t give the government the money because that’s not the way it works. But we wanted to show the American people how to get this job done.”

Kolfage documented some of the construction on his Instagram account.



We Build the Wall also includes in its leadership Kris Kobach, who had an absurd list of demands to become Trump’s immigration czar.

He was not chosen for the position.


The Daily Dot