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Donald Trump Jr. is fine with workplace harassment—but not the women who speak up



April Siese


Given Donald Trump‘s horrifying attitude toward women, it comes as no surprise that his son, Donald Trump Jr., would take a similar stance.

Trump Jr. appeared on the Opie and Anthony Show in 2013 to discuss All-Star Celebrity Apprentice, which I’m sure he touched upon over the course of the 48-minute segment. It’s his comments about women in the workplace that stand out above all else, however.

As BuzzFeed notes, Trump Jr. is a “guy’s guy” and appears to be having a hard time getting used to women appearing in spaces he’s specifically gendered for men. The hosts agree: Having a woman on the golf course is unusual, to say nothing of the PGA’s sexist history.

“We’re just becoming a different society for better or worse,” Trump Jr. laments. “If you have a guy’s place, you have a guy’s place. I have a hard time letting go of that. Maybe I’m not going to have a choice.”

Buddy, let me tell you about your sister’s business success. Did you know that only a quarter of key management positions are held by women? Guess you’ve never been in a board room or something.

Women invading men’s sacred space isn’t the only issue at hand for Trump Jr. It’s also their attitude toward potentially offensive humor that gets him riled up. Before launching into his mini “women are weak” tirade, he preempts his statement by acknowledging its implicit shittiness, yet goes on just the same:

“I’m sure I’ll get myself in trouble one of these days. If you can’t handle some of the basic stuff that’s become a problem in the workforce today, then you don’t belong in the workforce. Like, you should go maybe teach kindergarten. I think it’s a respectable position. You can’t be negotiating billion-dollar deals if you can’t handle, like, you know.”

Opie and Anthony come in with the assist, somehow deciding to pull up porn during the radio show to prove a point while also mocking those who cry foul on such behavior. It’s probably not chill to show your co-worker sexually explicit content because you want to bro around, but that doesn’t apparently matter to these chucklefucks.

One of them baits Trump Jr. with this question: “Wouldn’t it be funny if we showed tits and Donald sued?” And Trump Jr. plays right into it.

“I’d feel harassed! This is my get-rich-quick scheme. I’m now suing you guys because I feel uncomfortable,” Trump Jr. proclaims. “And by the way, that’s what happens in the world. I can play along, I can be fine, and then I can decide randomly, ‘Uh-oh, you now have crossed the line, even though I’ve been going with it.’”

Trump Jr. should know a whole lot about the efficacy of lawsuits given his dad’s experience serving papers thousands of times while wading his way through over 169 federal lawsuits against him over the course of his shoddy real estate career made possible by a modest donation from his father and Trump Jr.’s grandfather.

Needless to say, this is not a good look and probably not the last we’ll hear of Trump Jr.’s discrimination toward women. If the rapid-cycling chaos of his father’s remarks have shown him anything, it’s that words do matter and that “locker room talk” is not OK, no matter the setting.

H/T BuzzFeed

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