Donald Trump flirting with Irish journalist Caitriona Perry

Screengrab via CaitrionaPerry/Twitter

President Trump bizarrely ogles Irish journalist

How did he possibly think this was OK to say to a professional?


Samantha Grasso


If only President Donald Trump sounding the “fake news” alarm all hours of the day was the worst of his interactions with the press. Alas, Trump managed to carve out a new level of inappropriateness on Tuesday during his interaction with Irish journalist Caitriona Perry.

Perry, the Washington correspondent and U.S. bureau chief for RTÉ News, and her team were in the Oval Office reporting on Trump’s call with Ireland‘s Taoiseach, or prime minister, Leo Varadkar.

Trump was scheduled to congratulate Varadkar for his recent appointment to the position. However, during his call, Trump’s attention turned toward the Irish press in the room—more specifically, Perry herself.

In a move completely out of those workplace seminar anti-harassment videos, Trump signaled Perry out while she was doing her job, and continued to comment on her appearance and smile.

“We have a lot of your Irish press watching us,” Trump was recorded saying to Varadkar just before pointing to someone just on the left of the frame. “And where are you from?”

“Go ahead. Come here, come here,” he continued, gesturing with the “come hither” motion. “We have all of this beautiful Irish press here. And where are you from?”

“I’m from RTÉ News … Caitriona Perry …,” she can be heard telling Trump once she approaches his desk.

“Caitriona Perry. She has a nice smile on her face, so I bet she treats you well,” Trump talks into the phone to Varadkar as Perry walks away.

Perry then posted the video of their uncomfortable interaction on Twitter:

Yes, it’s a clip that just becomes more and more nauseating with each play, and has attracted apologies from American women, and a few men, on the president’s behalf.

Imagine that, just another day during the Trump presidency.

H/T Newsweek/Facebook

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