you were at my wedding denise


‘You were at my wedding Denise’ stirs controversy again with ‘lubed legs’ tweet

‘Everyone loves lubed legs—especially at the beach.’


Dominic-Madori Davis


Author Denise McAllister—best known as the “you were at my wedding Denise” from Meghan McCain’s viral Twitter response—is back in the spotlight.

This time, the former Federalist writer caused controversy after posting a tweet which seemed to suggest that “glossy lips and lubed legs” are what caused pregnancies.

People were confused with what McAllister was trying to imply, then proceeded to make fun of her reasoning… or lack thereof. Even comedian Kathy Griffin questioned McAllister on what she was trying to say.

Others took her words much more seriously, and called her a “train wreck” and a “hot mess express.”

Things began to escalate after McAllister revealed someone had reported her original tweet, then she proceeded to call feminists “a bunch of snowflakes,” and claimed that their ideas are “aberrant.”

Then she posted another tweet, stating “women know their power over men. It can be boiled down to one word: sex. It’s not an indictment. It’s natural. The problem is women deny it while using it every day and in every way. Then when they’re faced with the consequences, they blame men. It’s time for women to own it.”

But McAllister did not let the drama end there.

After her second statement, she then began to respond to those who were criticizing her for her initial “lubed leg” tweet.

“I’ll say it again feminist and liberals have zero since of humor,” she said.

“Currency? A woman’s sexuality is a powerful allure, not a commodity,” she tweeted to another user. “Feminists just pretend like they don’t use it as a natural asset when they do—especially the pretty ones.”

“Oiled legs that make it easier for women to ride a bicycle—or a man. Nod to Gloria Steinem.”

“I don’t hate myself or anyone else. I’m honest about women,” she continued. “Men especially know I’m telling the truth. This doesn’t make me conflicted, confused or crazy. Quite the contrary.”

“Well, that pic was part of a running commentary on how libs treat conservative women as if they’re school marms. I beg to differ. But more importantly, if you notice I don’t criticize women for using their sexuality (for most it’s natural). I criticize them for not admitting it.”

When asked if she regretted her comments that set off the initial firestorm, McAllister simply responded, “Never.”


The Daily Dot