These teen Civil War cosplayers are having a ball on Instagram

They’re just having some good, clean, vaguely creepy and politically incorrect, historical fun.

Photo of Marisa Kabas

Marisa Kabas

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Being a teen during the Civil War: probably not so fun.

Being a teen in 2015, but pretending to be a teen during the Civil War: lots of fun!

That’s what we’ve learned from these teens on Instagram, who are literally and figuratively having a ball by attending Civil War-themed soirees across the country. 

I came across this melancholy photo on Reddit with the caption: “I am preparing an outfit to go to my first ever ballroom dance. The theme is Civil War. And I can say that for the first time in a while, I feel pretty beautiful! I feel like this dance will help me over come a lot of speed bumps in my life.” 

A quick Instagram search revealed that this teen wasn’t the only one taking #tbt all the way to the mid-nineteenth century. There are hundred of posts with the hashtag #CivilWarBall, many of which were taken at balls from New Jersey to Pennsylvania to Tennessee.

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H/T Reddit | Photos via NJ Civil War Ball/Facebook

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