Viral video shows tourist attacking chicken seller in Morocco

People online say she should have been arrested.

Photo of Alex Dalbey

Alex Dalbey

morocco tourist

A video of a British tourist yelling at and attacking chicken vendors in Morocco has gone viral, sparking discussion about animal rights, local customs, and hypocritical tourists.

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The minute-long clip was taken in a marketplace in Tangier and shows a woman with a British accent screaming at a group of vendors who are standing with several caged chickens.

The video starts with her yelling at the men in a condescending tone, “You can’t read, can you?” She gives them the middle finger, and the person filming returns the gesture.


The woman then ties up her hair, climbs over the cages, and starts trying to pry one open with her hands and mouth. When one of the vendors tries to grab onto the cage, she bites his hands and screams. Others try to stop her as she begins to tear the cage and she roars, “Get off!” in their faces. Onlookers can be heard telling people to call the police.

In a second video, the woman tries to punch the chicken seller in the face before trying to grab at the cages again. She thrashes at anyone trying to stop her before the video cuts off.


The tourist has not been identified publicly, but Morocco World News reports that the woman was taken to the hospital in hysterics by police. In response to the video, many people said the police should have taken her to jail instead. Others called for her to be deported from the country.



The videos have also brought up a discussion about the hypocrisy of white tourists who visit Morocco and other African nations. Many questioned whether the woman is as vocal about the cages chickens are kept in where she comes from, or if they’re “out of sight, out of mind” for her there.


It is unclear what the woman planned to do with the chickens after freeing them.


The Daily Dot