Everyone hates this ‘Bride Lives Matter’ wedding photo

The photo’s origins are murky, but that hasn’t stopped the internet from piling on.

Photo of Chad Lyle

Chad Lyle

bride lives matter

A photo recently shared on Reddit has become widely mocked for its apparent attempt to make light of the Black Lives Matter movement that has emerged in response to police violence in the United States. 

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In the photo, an anonymous woman in a wedding gown is posing next to a “Brides Lives Matter” sign, with her face covered by an emoji. The image was posted Sunday in r/weddingshaming, a subreddit that describes itself as “a place to shame wedding themes, brides, grooms, wedding party, in-laws, outlaws, guests, Uncle Bob, vendors… you name it, we shame it!”

The user who posted it wrote “I didn’t know people could be this tone deaf,” and many others replied with similar condemnations of the anonymous bride. 

User u/OldinBorin said “I’m hoping it’s just photoshopped……. right? That’s the most reasonable explanation??”


Some users were more harsh in their critiques of the sign.

“Bitch what? Who ever heard of a cop shooting a bride?” wrote u/kingofthebunch.

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User u/redribbit17 found the original poster’s use of the phase “tone deaf” to be a little too soft.

“Is ‘tone deaf’ the new word we’re using for willfully ignorant assholes?” u/redribbit17 said.


One user pointed out that the image may be fake.

“I’m really hoping it’s fake,” u/alildramatic said. “There are a few odd things about the photo but I haven’t been able to find the original.” 

The “Bride Lives Matter” photo was also reportedly shared and roundly criticized in the private Facebook group “that’s it I’m wedding shaming,” a Facebook equivalent of r/weddingshaming. The original source of the image, and the bride depicted, have not been independently confirmed by the Daily Dot—but that hasn’t stopped outrage over the racially insensitive wedding decorations from building up on multiple corners of the internet.

The Daily Dot