If you’ve got an Aries placement in your big three (or are just crushing on someone with one), knowing what the Aries-compatible signs are is crucial for understanding current and future relationships.
But before we get into it, let me just say that astrology isn’t designed to make tough decisions for you. The practice is to be used as nothing more than a guide. So don’t go breaking up with bae because the stars say that you’re not compatible.
Here are the best (and worst) matches for Aries.
Aries most compatible signs: What sun signs are an Aries’ best match?
Thanks to Aries’ good nature, there aren’t many signs that these folks wouldn’t be compatible with. However, for an Aries looking to fall in lasting love, there are four signs that we would consider being the most compatible.
Aries match up beautifully with their fellow fire signs Leo and Sagittarius thanks to their strong personalities and high-spirited nature. That said, because Aries and Leos understand what the other person needs so well, they should be careful not to become co-dependent. Y’all may be a match made in heaven, but you also have the tendency to feed each other’s bad habits.
The oh-so-relatable air signs Gemini and Aquarius shouldn’t count themselves out of the race either. Gemini’s excitable energy matches Aries’ love for fun and adventure, while Aquarius’ unique trendsetting ways are enough to spark an everlasting interest and love.
Let’s deep dive into the best signs for Aries compatibility.
Gemini + Aries
Aries and Gemini can hit it off so intensely that they may start looking to settle down immediately. But it would benefit them to slow their roll and take stock of their respective outlooks on life and what they expect from the other. Both of these signs are impulsive and adventurous, resulting in quick and sometimes rash decisions. While this can manifest itself into less than ideal situations, it’s also the glue that holds these two together. Deeper than anything else in their relationship is the shared love of the unknown and constant hunger for new and exciting things.
At the relationship’s beginning, these two signs can see each other as the end all be all. But when things get heavy and the dust starts to settle, if the Gemini and Aries do not hold the same worldview or maturity level, they might very well find themselves on opposing sides. While the opportunity for a good argument is never turned down by either sign, the straightforward face of the Aries might find that the ever-changing personality of the Gemini lacks sincerity. This is not to say that a Gemini-Aries pairing is bound to fail! The devil is in the details, people.
In terms of Aries compatibility, this particular pair can be successful if Gemini can teach its Aries partner to have an open line of communication and revel in what they bring to the table. Conversely, if Aries can teach Gemini to see beyond the surface level and understand that trust might take a little longer to build, they will find that their shared love of adventure and exploration will win out in the end.
Leo + Aries
An Aries and Leo in love can be a match made in heaven, but it can also go so wrong. Fire signs usually meld well with other fire signs, which is true here. The only aside being that these two can also heighten each others’ negative traits. Taking Aries’ aggressively direct nature and Leo’s self-centeredness into consideration, the pair can go from love-dovey to co-dependent and toxic. Trouble also comes when these two signs start to step on each other’s toes. Friendly competition is one thing, but these two can take it to new levels. And when their competitive nature starts to manifest itself in each other’s personal lives, at work or public functions, someone will leave with a bruised ego.
Their saving grace is their identical emotional outlook – an important factor in Aries compatibility. It won’t be hard for them to come to an understanding when problems arise, as long as both of them set their egos to the side and come to the table ready to make amends and move on. Self-awareness is key!
When the bold and impulsive Aries meets the outgoing and energetic Leo with style, they can conquer whatever lies in their path. Positives to this matchup will be the ability to make any conversation interesting and interest in socializing. Politics, work, business, there’s nothing these two can’t make stimulating! This doesn’t mean that all Aries and Leo pairs will see eye-to-eye, but they will appreciate each other’s intellectual and social abilities.
Since both of these signs are independent by nature, it’s important that they have separation in their daily lives to give each other room to breathe. But overall, we give Leo a big thumbs up for Aries compatibility.
Sagittarius + Aries
Another fire sign pair, Sagittarius and Aries complement each other beautifully. The usually serious Aries finds release in the liberated, optimistic Sagittarius. This manifests perfectly in their sex life. Aries may approach a sexual situation wearing passion as blinders, Sagittarius has the ability to loosen them with their own equally passionate ways. This allows for exploration and ease of intimacy and sensuality. Communication and intellect are not a problem here, which sets up a great foundation. The ability to meet each other on any playing field and leave in high spirits might just be enough to sustain a relationship, even if it happens to be devoid of sexual tension.
However, it’s important to make sure that the relationship is weighed evenly in both of these signs’ minds. While Aries and Sagittarius pretty much see the world similarly, the driven and sometimes singular-minded Aries could be put off if its partner’s values are not aligned.
Be cautious of differing beliefs, as the Sagittarius is deeply rooted in their own convictions and when paired with the seldomly unwavering Aries, can be caught in a stalemate with no resolution in sight. If these two can acknowledge that their differences should be accepted instead of tweaked, there’s nothing they cannot do. Respected honesty is the best policy for these two.
Aquarius + Aries
An Aquarius-Aries match is an interesting one. These two signs come together where it matters, but have vast faults to overcome in order to make their relationship work. Support comes easily with these two, as they both have the stamina to follow each other through each new adventure. However, when it comes to connecting emotionally there can be a huge disconnect.
Aries’ true nature is that of a passionate (albeit, intense) fire sign. This may not bode well when met with the calm, cool, and flighty air sign Aquarius. Aquarians’ nature can be misinterpreted as a lack of affection which will leave both out in the cold. However, if Aries can bring themselves to understand their Aquarius partner’s aloof and analytical mindset, perhaps this gap can be bridged. If either sign finds themselves in need of emotional caressing, channeling it into a hobby or finding a therapist could be the reset button that fills each of their tanks.
Aries least compatible signs: Who’s an Aries worst match?
Cancer + Aries
The only thing an Aries and Cancer partnership has going for it is a lot of sexual tension. Despite Cancer’s archetype not being that sexual, Aries knows how to light a fire under them. Considering the fact that both of these signs tend to be on the more emotional side of the zodiac, they’re able to understand each other. Well, most of the time, anyway. These two signs value very different things in life, so they’ll never see eye-to-eye.
Aries’ quick-to-go and “now or never” nature is one that will most definitely throw the cautious Cancer for a loop. Time and time again, the pace at which these two signs move through the world is never parallel. Which can lead to this pair not only feeling like they’re on two separate pages, but they’re reading different books!
Cancer, a tender sign, can teach Aries a lot about the slow build of a relationship. And Aries can show Cancer how hot passion can truly become. However, this requires a lot of patience and understanding on both parties’ ends. If either sign isn’t willing to adapt their behaviors to better suit the other, this will end up being nothing more than an emotionally tumultuous relationship.
Capricorn + Aries
Just going off of the archetypal rulership here (Mars and Saturn), these guys aren’t partners. They’re more like enemies. Now that’s not to say a Capricorn and Aries relationship is automatically doomed. It will just require a lot of effort. However, what this duo does have going for them is their ability to trust in each other. Since both Capricorn and Aries display adamance as a top-tier personality trait, credence comes easy. But that’s about it.
Aries’ impulsive nature is not something Capricorn can get down with. Diplomacy is all Capricorn knows and respecting Aries’ opinions or high-stakes decision-making is a struggle. If Capricorn doesn’t approve of something, it’s not happening. And Aries will find this type of careful planning and dictation to be dull. The Aries partner will likely become impatient and insulted by Capricorn’s perspective of “usefulness.”
Unless these two signs are able to come to terms with how the other one lives, there won’t be any “happy camping” anytime soon.
Pisces and Aries
What draws an Aries and a Pisces together is their unspoken sense of understanding. Aries is quick to jump to conclusions while Pisces will gladly take the time to explain why they’re being irrational. Aries can also show Pisces how to stop living in La-la-land and start cultivating their dreams in real life.
However, the way they react to the world they live in could not be more different. And that, my friends, is where the relationship dwindles. Aries are fiery, strong-willed, and highly motivated people. Whereas Pisces struggle with internal strife, finding their place in the world, and using escapism as a coping mechanism for life’s challenges. In Pisces’ eyes, Aries can come off as demanding and insensitive (even when they mean well). In turn, Aries will likely become turned off by Pisces’ preference for dreaming not doing. Unless both of the signs are willing to explore each others’ lifestyles and find comfort in the uncomfortable, this relationship won’t be a fruitful one.
Where to get an Aries compatibility reading
For more information on these planets and luminaries relating to your romance or relationship, or if you just want to find your or your partner’s chart, these sites can help!
Here are the best places to get a personalized Aries compatibility reading.
1) Kasamba
If you’re looking for deeper insight into your relationship or love life from a reputable astrologer, Kasamba has got you covered. Since 1999, Kasamba’s psychics have guided over three million people down their paths via psychic readings, tarot readings, astrology readings, and more.
With over 80 resident psychic profiles complete with ratings, reviews, photos, and respective rates, finding your perfect psychic match has never been easier. It’s important to note that the psychics on Kasamba all charge per minute, and while some rates can be as high as $30 per minute, many go as low as $5 per minute.
However, when starting a session with a new advisor, Kasamba awards its members with three free chat minutes to ensure that they find the right match.
2) Keen
What I love about Keen is its clean and concise platform. This setup allows for easy navigation when searching for your perfect reader. The site’s services range from basic readings to predictions focused on your love life and relationships. There is even a section for handpicked specialists focusing on more niche readings – such as a personalized Aries compatibility verdict.
As long as you have a price range and availability in mind, matching with a reader is a breeze thanks to all the built-in filtering options. Users can even view top-rated and trending advisors with the click of a button. So if you’re new to this and don’t trust yourself to find a reliable reader, let Keen do it for you.
For those looking for straightforward and insightful material, Keen’s articles and blog posts cover almost all astrology-related topics. The blog features an advisory council that can be every bit as rewarding as chatting to an advisor in real-time. With Keen’s network of over 1,000 trusted advisors, you’ll be sure to find the answers you’re looking for.

$1.99+/minute |
3) Psychic Source
To help you get to your personalized Cancer compatibility reading sooner, PsychicSource.com offers a “Find a Psychic” tool. This feature matches you to a trusted psychic based on your answers to a short quiz. The readings provided by PsychicSource.com will also benefit communities in need of support. A portion of the proceeds from each reading supports the site’s Kindness Initiative. The Kindness Initiative donates to a variety of nonprofits, all of which benefit different movements. Some of the charities that PsychicSource supported in the past include the National Center for Housing and Child Welfare, Futures Without Violence, and Paws With a Cause.
As of right now, PsychicSource.com is offering new users a low rate of $1/minute (plus three free minutes) for their first session.

1/min (Regularly $5.99+/min) |
4) MyLifeCreated
Mecca Woods decided to open her Astro coaching practice after having applied the same practices to better her own life. Woods trained at the Rebecca Gordon Astrology Mentorship Program and has dedicated herself to teaching others how to better tap into their own natural-born gifts. Her work is featured in publications like Bustle, Girlboss, Refinery 29, and more. And her horoscopes are sure to be insightful and easy to understand.
If you want a personal Aries compatibility (or any other) reading from her, you will need to get a head start on the calendar and book in advance. Her schedule for the rest of 2020 is completely booked. So run over to MyLifeCreated and hop on the waitlist to secure a spot for next year! While you’re there, browse through the monthly horoscopes available through her site.

Natal chart reading (90 mins) | $145 |
Synastry reading (90 mins) | $200 |
Solar return reading (60 mins) | $100 |
Kids’ reading (45 mins) | $85 |
Birthday chart reading gift certificate | $100 |
Natal chart reading gift certificate | $145 |
5) Charm Astrology & Tarot
If you’re interested in more than just Aries compatibility and the basics of astrology, Charm Torres is exactly the reader you need. She has been working as a professional astrologer since 2018 and has all the certifications to prove it. But her experience with astrology spans more than just these last two years.
She started a formal mentorship in 2016 and completed multiple levels of curriculum including the foundations of humanistic and psychological astrology, modern predictive and relationship techniques. Before her journey into professional astrology services, Charm was actually a registered nurse in Ontario. Clearly, she has a passion for helping others!
Charm offers more than just birth chart and astrology-specific readings, too. In addition to these zodiac-related readings, she offers tarot readings on a sliding scale.

Tarot readings (30-60 mins) | Sliding scale |
Birth chart reading | $77 |
Birth chart + year ahead reading | $127 |
Year ahead astrology reading | $77 |
Month ahead | $27 |
Locational astrology reading | Sliding scale |
Saturn return reading | $39 |
6) Patrick Watson
Patrick Watson is a professional astrologer based in Arizona but he’s originally from the UK. He’s been practicing astrology since he was 15 years old and his talents speak for themselves. Watson has worked alongside renowned astrologers like Chris Brennan and in the spring of 2012, Watson and Brennan publicly issued an accurate prediction that Barack Obama would win the 2012 US presidential elections. Most recently, he accurately predicted the day of President Trump’s concession. By day, he is a music teacher, by night he is an astrologer, blogger, researcher, and astrology tutor!
Currently, Watson doesn’t offer relationship-specific questions, but he does Horary consultations. Horary readings are focused on finding the answer to one very specific question you have. While it’s much different from a full-blown relationship reading, there can be some overlap if you’re focusing on a specific scenario. (I.E. “Will I get married this year?” or “Is my partner the right one for me?”.

Rectification consultation (60 mins) | $175 |
Electional consultation | $125 |
Horary consultation | $50 |
General consultation (60 mins) | $99* |
7) Oracular Jake
With a background in social work and psychology, Jake makes sure to handle sensitive topics delicately and with compassion. As a gay white man who attended an HBCU to study social work, Jake has made it known that he feels comfortable discussing topics relating to race and racism. And in an effort to dismantle gender roles and heteronormativity, he has removed gendered language from his astrology practice. You just can’t say that about anyone!
Jake offers multiple types of readings from natal charts to horary questions and everything in between, perfect for anyone wanting to find out more about Aries compatibility. His prices are pretty affordable too. So regardless of your price range, Jake wants you to have access to professional-level guidance. His services begin at $30 and continue into the $100 range.
Like Watson, Jake doesn’t offer relationship-specific questions. But he also offers Horary consultations and Electional readings. Electional readings (also known as even astrology) focuses on finding the most ideal time to start something. So again, while this is wildly different from your traditional Aries compatibility reading, it may work for you. That is if you’re asking the right questions! (I.E. “Is this the right time to take my relationship to the next step?” or “Is now the right time to start dating?”).

30 minute natal chart reading | $50 |
60 minute natal chart reading | $100 |
8) StarsMoonAndSun
StarsMoonandSun is a great site to find fun and educational information on the zodiac and corresponding horoscopes–like Aries best matches! Here you can delve further into the science of astrology, with articles covering natal charts, cusps, eclipses, and retrogrades. Plus, if you need a little break from the deeper sciences about the governance of the stars, StarsMoonandSun has some star-studded entertainment for you. Freely enjoy piping hot tea about your favorite celebs horoscope and charts.

30 minute reading | $55.55 |
15 minute reading | $33.33 |
9) AstrologyZone
Home to the world-famous author and astrologer Susan Miller, AstrologyZone is a favorite for more than 17 million readers. Here you’ll find personalized and accurate horoscopes, including in-depth Aries compatibility readings. Her predictions are so precise that she has earned accreditation by the International Society for Astrological Research. Don’t just take our word for it, though. Miller’s work can be found in countless publications and influential circles that praise her faultlessness.
As AstrologyZone celebrates its twenty-fourth anniversary, its fan base has only grown. Each year, it serves 200 million page views to over 11 million readers, and for those readers, Miller personally writes between 30,000 to 48,000 words per month. If you’re looking for scarily prophetic daily and monthly horoscopes, joining AstrologyZone should be a no-brainer. While monthly horoscopes are free to view on the site, those in search of more constant and thorough insight should look into subscribing to one of the many plans available.
That said, if you want to keep it brief, sweet, and low-cost, AstrologyZone is prepared to tell you if your current love interest is one of the Aries compatible signs. All you need to do is head on over to the site’s Love Calculator and input the sun signs in question. In a few minutes you’ll have a basic report of Miller’s predictions for the longevity of you and your crush!

1 month subscription | $4.99 |
3 month subscription | $12.99 |
1 year subscription | $49.99 |
10) Astro.com
Astro.com is personally my favorite online astrology chart reading site. In using the AstroClick Portrait, clients can receive a free basic birth chart reading. This includes a birth chart map and brief descriptions of what each placement means. The same can be said for Astro.com’s AstroClick Love reports. (Which are basically predictions mapping out your love life).
The site also offers in-depth love and life readings as well as a breakdown of all the current transits. That’s in addition to the 12+ free forecasts. In addition to all of that good stuff, the site even hosts a wiki and community forum. This is great for those looking to teach themselves more about the practice, connect with a local astrologer, or learn how to read a birth chart.
Most of the services are free. But if you want to unlock all the site has to offer, you’ll have to pay for it.

Prices vary by reading |
11) Astrolabe
If you’re a DIY type who is just beginning to dip your toes into the meanings of the planets, stars, and asteroids, AstroLabe is a perfect starting point. And you’ll be happy to know that the watered-down version of that chart is available to use for free. However, if you want a professional-grade, full astrology reading that really gets into all the nitty-gritty details of your Taurus compatibility and alignment, it’ll cost you only $25.
Like other online astrology reading sites, AstroLabe hosts a library of literature as well as a list of recommendations for further study. This site’s predictions are trustworthy and easy to digest, which is great for beginners. More advanced astrology students may find it falls below their abilities, though.

Full birth chart report | $25 |
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