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Rachel True/Twitter

Actress’ tweet calling out fellow passenger for not moving seats backfires

‘Actually, YOU are the Karen here.’


Tiffanie Drayton


Rachel True, best known for her role in the ’90s witch film The Craft, is taking a ton of heat on Twitter for trying to shame a woman on a flight for refusing to change seats.

“Never been on a flight where the middle seat stranger refuses to move to the empty aisle seat. Meet Karen. Karen calles steward & said I was ‘harassing’ her… for asking her to slide over….Into the empty seat… that would separate her from me. #GetOut my lap Karen,” True tweeted, along with a secretly-captured picture of the woman.

The actress later added that “Karen has a cold.”

Twitter users weren’t thrilled with what many agreed was obvious bullying and an over-exaggerated sense of entitlement. After all, the woman did pay for her seat and was, in no way, obligated to move.

“She paid for her seat maybe she didn’t wana sit in the aisle how is that so hard to believe?” Twitter user @__sirpaul questioned.

Many pointed out that Rachel was actually the “Karen” in this situation.

“You violated someone’s privacy and right to HER OWN SEAT just to get the tweet off and potential applause from strangers. You’re really lame, Rachel and entitled AF,” Twitter user @AfroVII wrote.

Others pointed out the actress should have flown first class if she wanted extra room for herself.

“This thread is ridiculous. you could’ve just chose first class or even business if you wanted more space. it also doesn’t matter what she told you before people can change their minds at any time so respect the boundary she paid for,” Twitter user @karbashiann wrote.

True took the time to respond to some of her critics, arguing that she wasn’t being a bully and was just “having fun with this.”

The actress also explained that she didn’t necessarily have a problem with the passenger deciding not to change seats but took issue with the fact the woman decided to notify “plane authorities” (a stewardess, presumably), rather than directly address the issue with True.

“This is not the time for white people to call authorities on brown people in air or on ground,” True tweeted.

So far, there seems to be no apology in sight for “Karen,” who apparently got far too comfortable in her own seat.


The Daily Dot