Burglar wants WiFi password

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Teen breaks into California couple’s home to ask for Wi-Fi password

It was his second attempt at stealing Wi-Fi.


Christina Bonnington


A couple in Palo Alto, California, received a shock Sunday night when they awoke to burglar in their home. But the masked invader wasn’t after their jewelry or electronics. He just wanted the Wi-Fi password.

The Next Web reports that the couple woke up to the 17-year old masked intruder in their bedroom asking for their Wi-Fi password. The man then jumped out of bed, pushed the invader down the hallway out the front door, and called law enforcement. The teen, who broke into the house by cutting through the screen on an open window, was arrested a short while later.

Perhaps the strangest thing about the incident was this wasn’t the teen’s first Wi-Fi burglary attempt. Just the night before, he made another break-in. In this case, when the homeowners confronted the individual, he said that he needed to use their WiFi because he had run out of data. The residents told the wannabe Wi-Fi thief to get out of the house before he escaped on bicycle stolen from their backyard. The bike was recovered when he was arrested after the second burglary.

After the second incident, Palo Alto police arrested the teen for burglary (a felony charge) as well as prowling. He was also arrested for giving false information to a police officer (police say he originally gave a false name when he was apprehended). He may also be charged for the theft of the bike.

It sounds like this teen was either suffering from the summer doldrums, got the butt end of an extended prank, or for whatever reason, was looking to get arrested. At any rate, no physical harm seems to have befallen any of the parties involved.

H/T the Next Web

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